Lesson 1


  • Q1. 如何引起他人注意
  • Q2. 如何让对方再讲一遍
  • Q3. 当我谈单词时我谈些什么?
  1. excuse me

借过一下,让一下,也用 Excuse me

  1. handbag n.
  2. pardon

sorry? 也有这个意思

  1. Thank you very(so) much

Thank you very much 是比较正式的说法。
大多数情况下不必说 Thank you very much, Thank you 足够了。
e.g. Thank you, Sir! Thank you! Thank you, man

Grammar & Story

  • Q1. 如何询问某物是某人的
  • Q2. Yes 还能表示"干什么"?
  • Q3. 读英语如何才能不像 Siri?

Excuse me!


Is this your handbag?

This is my handbag. 肯定句
Is this your handbag?

Is this your handbag?
= Your handbag?
= This is your handbag?
= This your handbag?


Is this your handbag?

Yes, it is.

Thank you very much.

Lesson 2

Practices & Words

  • Q1 如何才能张嘴就说
  • Q2 如何搭讪 chitchat
  • Q3 如何表达免费
  1. pen

  2. pencil

  3. book

    note + book = notebook 笔记本

  4. watch

  5. coat

    nice coat, man.

    nice hair.

  6. dress 长裙

    I love your dress.

  7. skirt 短裙

  8. shirt


  9. car

  10. house

    on the house = free 表达免费

Books are the leader of human progress.


Lesson 3


  • Q1 如何表达拜托了
  • 如何买一张去某地的票
  • 如何用 0 - 9 表达所有数字
  1. umbrella n. 雨伞

  2. please

    please, please, please!!! 拜托了

  3. here

    come here.

    Leo is here.

  4. my

  5. ticket

    one way ticket. 单程票

    return ticket./ round-trip ticket 往返票

    one ticket to Harbin.

    one return ticket to Harbin.

  6. number

    number one/ two

  7. sorry

    I am so sorry. 非常抱歉

  8. sir madam

    Thank you, sir(man)/ma’am.

  9. cloakroom 衣帽间

    cloak + room

    This is my cloakroom.

Land on Mars, a round-trip ticket - half a million dollars.

It can be done.

Elon Musk

Grammar & Story

  • Q1 如何表达这不是我的?
  • Q2 如何表达给你我的外套。
  • Q3 英文的缩写

My coat and my umbrella,


Here is my ticket.

Here is my ___.

take my coat. 给你我的外套。

Here is my number. 给你我的电话号码。

Thank you, sir.

Number five.

Here’s your umbrella and your coat.

Here’s = Here is

This is not my umbrella.



This si my umbrella.


This is not my umbrella.

sorry, sir.

Is this your umbrella?

No, it isn’t.

isn’t = is not

Is this it?

Yes, it is.

Thank you very much.

A house is not a home.


Lesson 4

Practices & Words

  • Q1 如何表达它很适合我
  • Q2 如何表达“或者”
  • Q3 如何表达 三人行必有我师
  1. suit 一身衣服,一套衣服

    it suits me. 它非常适合我

    The coat suits you.

  2. school

  3. teacher

  4. son daughter

  5. pen

    Is this my pen or your pen?

    This is not my pen.

    This is your pen

    Is this your pencil or my pencil?

  6. book

  7. watch

    Is this my watch or your watch?

    This is not my watch.

    This is your watch.

  8. coat

  9. dress 连衣裙

  10. skirt 短裙

  11. shirt

  12. car

  13. house

Walking among three people, I find my teacher among them.


Lesson 5


  • Q1 如何区分英文的姓与名
  • Q2 入境登记卡
  • Q3 如何表达 “我也是”

David Joseph Beckham 贝克汉姆

姓 Beckham - surname/family name/last name

名 David - first name/given name

Joseph - middle name

  1. Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms.

    Mr. 先生

    Mr. Wang 汪先生

    Mrs. A (已婚)

    Miss A (未婚) Miss Universe 环球小姐

    Ms. A (未知)


    Call me David please.

  2. good morning 早上好

    morning 早上好

  3. new adj. + student n.

    She is a new student.

    She is not a new student.

    Is she a new student?

  4. French. adj. n. 法国人;法国的

    French fries = chips

  5. German adj. n. 德国人;德国的

  6. Nice to meet you.

    • first time. 比较正式

    等效的 How are you?


  7. Japnese adj. n. 日语;日本人

    • sushi 寿司

    They are Japnese.

    Are they Japnese?

  8. Korean adj. n.

    • kimchi 泡菜
  9. Chinese adj. n.

    • fusion food!!!
    • Mandarin 普通话 Cantonese 粤语
  10. too

    I like this coat. me too.

If you’re changing the world, you’re working on important things.
You’re excited to get up in the morning.

Larry Page

Grammar & Story

  • Q1 如何使用 a/an

Good morning.

Good morning, Mr. Blake.

This is Miss Sophie Dupont.

Sophie is a new student. She is French.

Sophie, this is Hans. He is German.

Nice to meet you.


a an + n.


Leo is a teacher.

a + n. (首音标是辅音音标)

an + n. (首音标是元音音标)

a pen

an apple

an umbrella

an egg

an hour

a university

And this is Naoko.

She’s Japanese.

Nice to meet you.

And this is Chang-woo.

He’s Korean.

Nice to meet you.

And this is Luming.

He is Chinese.

Nice to meet you.

And this is Xiaohui.

She’s Chinese, too.

Nice to meet you.

This is every body

A person who nerver made a mistake nerver rtied anything new.

Albert Einstein

Lesson 6

Practices & Words

  • Q1 如何询问某件物品的品牌
  1. make brand 品牌

    What brand is this?

  2. Swedish adj. 瑞典的 Sweden n.

    He is Swedish.

    This is Swedish meatball.

  3. English adj. n. England

    UK; Britain

    England; Scotland 苏格兰;Wales 威尔士; Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰

  4. American adj. n. America n.

    US; USA

  5. Italian adj. n. Italy n.

    This is pasta.

The hardest portion of English, I must say it: Idioms.

Flula Borg

Lesson 7


  • Q1 如何询问别人从哪里来
  • Q2 如何询问别人工作
  1. am

    I am Guang xin.

    I am a coder.

  2. are

    You are batman.

    Are you Chinese?

  3. is

    He is my teacher.

    Is she your daughter?

    Is it a cat?

  4. nationnality

    What nationnality are you?

    Where are you from?

  5. job

    What’s your job?

    I’m an English teacher.

    What do you do for a living?

  6. keyboard n.

    key + board

    This is my keyboard.

    Is this your keyboard?

  7. operator n.

    He is an operator.

  8. engineer

    She is an engineer.

    I am a software engineer.

The person who knows HOW will always have a job.

The person who knows WHY will always be his boss.

Alanis Morissette

Grammar & Story

  • Q1 特殊疑问句

特殊疑问句 = 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句(去掉答案)

  1. 特殊疑问词 - What

My name is Guangxin.

Is your name Guangxin? => 一般疑问句,将一个单词提到句首

What is your name? 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句(去掉答案)

Her name is lius.

Is her name lius?

What is her name?

  1. 特殊疑问词 - Where

She is from Italy.

Where is she from?

What nationnality is he?


I am a new student.

My name’s Robert.

Nice to meet you.

My name’s Sophie.

Are you French?

Yes, I am.

Are you French, too?

No, I am not.

What nationnality are you?

I am Italian.

Are you a teacher?

No, I’m not.

What’s your job?

I’m a keyboard operator.

What’s your job?

I’m an engineer.

Our true nationnality is mankind.

H. G. Wells

Lesson 8

Practices & Words

  • Q1 他? 她? 他的?她的?


  1. policeman

    What’s his job?

    Is he a policeman or a taxi driver?

    He isn’t a taxi driver.

    He’s a policeman.

  2. taxi driver

    What’s his job?

    Is he a taxi driver or a policeman?

    He isn’t a policeman.

    He is a taxi driver.

  3. policewoman

    What’s her job?

    Is she a policewoman or an air hostess?

    She is not an air hostess.

    She is a policewoman.

  4. air hostess / flight attendant

    What’s her job?

    Is she an air hostess or a policewoman?

    She isn’t a policewoman.

    She’s an air hostess.

  5. postman

  6. milkman

  7. nurse

  8. mechanic 机械师,机械修理员

  9. hairdresser 理发师

I have become a housewife and there is no better job.

Celine Dion

Lesson 9

Words & Grammar & Story

  • Q1 How 引导的特殊疑问句?
  • 如何表达“你还好吗”?
  • Nice to see / meet you?
  1. hello, hi

  2. 特殊疑问词 - how

    She is ok.

    Is she ok?

    How is she?

  3. fine

    How are you?

    I am fine. / great / not bad / terrible

    Are you ok?

    I am fine.

  4. today

    How are you doing, today?

    How are you?

  5. well

    How are you?

    Very well.

  6. thanks

  7. goodbye

    see you later. 稍后见


Hello, Helen.

Hi, Steven.

How are you today?

I am very well, thank you.

And you?

I am fine, thanks.

How is Tony?

He is fine, thanks, How’s Emma?

She’s very well, too, Helen.

Goodbye, Helen.

Nice to see you. 看见你很开心(不用于初次见面)

Nice to see you again!

Nice to see you, too.


Yesterday is history,

tomorrow is a mystery,

but today is a gift.

Kung Fu Panda

Lesson 10

Practices & Words

  • Q1 如何使用 adj.
  • 如何有趣表达 “你真懒”

adj. + n.

  1. fat

    Is that man fat or thin?

    He is not thin, he is fat.

  2. thin

    Is that woman thin or fat?

    She is not fat, she is thin.

  3. tall

    Is that policeman tall or short?

  4. short

  5. dirty 脏的

    Is that mechanic dirty or clean?

  6. clean

    Is that nurse clean or dirty?

  7. hot

  8. cold

  9. old

  10. young

    Is that air hostess young or old?

  11. busy

    Is that housewife busy or lazy?

  12. lazy

    lazy bones

    You are lazy bones.

    You lazy bones.

    You idiot.

Keep yourself busy if you want to avoid depression.

For me, inactivity is the enemy.

Matt Lucas

Lesson 11

Words & Grammar & Story

  • Q1 如何询问某件物品是谁的?
  • Q2 如何表达大概或可能?
  • Q3 如何表达“这是 Guangxin 的笔”
  1. blue adj. + n.

    My keyboard is blue.

  2. perhaps

    Is that your car?

    I don’t know. Perhaps it is.

  3. white

    white coat.

    Her coat is white.

  4. catch v.

  5. Whose - 特殊疑问词

    This is her dress.

    Is this her dress?

    Whose dress is this?

    Whose is this dress? 🟡 不常用

  6. watch

    This is her watch?

    Is this her watch?

    Whose watch is this?

  7. keyboard

    This is his keyboard.

    Is this his keyboard?

    Whost keyboard is this?

  8. ticket

    This is her ticket.

    Is this her ticket?


    Whose ticket is this?


Whose shirt is that?

Is this your shirt, Dave?

No. Sir. It’s not my shirt.

This is my shirt.

My shirt is blue.

Is this shirt Tim’s?

Perhaps it is, sir.

Tim’s shirt’s white.

n. + 's 谁的

This is Tim’s shirt, that is his father’s coat, and this is Steven’s tie.

This is my brother’s old car and that’s my father’s new car.

This is my mother’s umbrella and that’s my sister’s handbag.


Yes, sir?

Is this your shirt?

Yes, sir.

Here you are. Catch!

Thank you, sir.

When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him:“Whose?”

Don Marquis

Lesson 12

Practices & Words

  • Q1 如何自己用单词造句
  1. father mother

    This is his/her mother.

  2. sister brother

    This is her brother.

  3. Blouse 女式衬衫

    This is not my blouse.

    Is this your blouse?

    Whose blouse is this?

  4. tie 领带

    This is a blue tie.

    This is not my tie.

    Is this your tie?

    Whose tie is this?

  5. handbag

Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind.

Giordano Bruno

Lesson 13

Grammar & Words

  • Q1 What color
  • Q2 如何表达我们不一样
  1. colour 英式 color 美式


  2. green

    He is Hulk.

    He is green.

    What color 引导的特殊疑问句

    Her new dress is green.

    Is her new dress green?

    What color is her new dress?

  3. black umbrella

    His new umbrella is black.

    Is his new umbrella black?

  4. Blue blouse

    What color is her new blouse?

  5. White ketboard

    What color is his new keyboard?

  6. come here

  7. upstairs

    come/go upstairs 上楼

  8. downstairs

    come/go downstairs 下楼

  9. smart adj. + n.

    clever 聪明

    He is very smart.

  10. hat n.

    clean hat

    dirty hat

  11. same

    They are the same.

    不要问为什么 same 前面有 the,different 前面没有 the

    就像你不会问为什么是 警犬 而不是 警狗

  12. different

    It is different.

  13. lovely

    so cute.

    This cat is so cute.

    This is my cat.

    Is this your cat?

    Whose is this cat?

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.


Lesson 14

Practices & Words

  1. case

    This case is brown.

    This is his case.

    Whose case is this?

  2. carpet n.

    red carpet 红色的地毯;红毯

    This carpet is brown.

    This is her carpet.

    What color is this carpet?

  3. dog

    What color is this dog?

    Whose dog is this?

  4. coat

    This is a brown coat.

    What color is this coat?

    Is is white?

  5. tie

    What color Leo’s tie?

    Is it yellow?

  6. umbrella

  7. car

    What color is Guangxin’s car?

    Is it red?

    No, it is not red, it is blue.

  8. blouse

  9. shirt.

  10. hat

    What color is Steven’s hat?

Imagination is the true magic carpet.

Norman Vincent Peale

Lesson 15

Grammar & Words

  • Q1如何识别海关申报通道
  • Q2 如何表达英文 n. 复数
  • Q3 如何学习英语语法
  1. customs 海关

    goods to declare

    nothing to declare

  2. officer office

    What is her job?

    She is a customs officer.

  3. gril boy

    This girl is so cute.

  4. Danish 丹麦人 丹麦的

    Andersen is Danish.

  5. Denmark 丹麦

    Is Andersen from Denmark?

    Where is Andersen from?

  6. Norway 挪威

  7. Norwegian 挪威人

  8. passport 护照

    Here is my passport.

    Is this her passport?

    Whose passport is this?

  9. brown

    His new carpet is brown.

    What color is his new carpet?

  10. tourist n.

    I am new here, too.

    She is a tourist.

    Are you a tourist?

  11. friend

    She is her friend.

    n. 复数

    friend -> friends

    pen -> pens

    This is my pen.

    These are my pens.

    book -> books

    These are my books.

    passport -> passports

    以字母 s, o, x, ch, sh 结尾的单词加 es

    dress -> dresses

    This is my dress.

    These are my dresses.

    tomato -> tomatoes

    These are my tomatoes.

    box -> boxes

    watch -> watches

    dish -> dishes


    两个老师:two teachers

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.


Lesson 16

Practices & Words

  • Q1 如何表达生活不是非黑即白
  • Q2 如何表达“我请客”或者“AA”
  • Q3 如何判断何时用 is are?
  1. Russian adj. n.

    Russia 俄国

  2. Dutch 荷兰人/的

    Holland 荷兰

    Let‘s split.

    Let’s go Dutch. AA制

    It’s on me; My treat.

  3. red

    Her hat is red.

    Is her hat red?

    Whose hat is red?

    What color is her hat?

  4. grey gray

    His tie is grey.

  5. yellow

    His keyboard is yellow.

  6. black white

    Life is not black and white.

  7. orange

    Her umbrella is orange.

  8. these this those that

    This is his box.

    These are his boxes.

    That is his box.

    Those are his boxes.

    My shirt is red.

    Is your shirt red?

    My shirts are red.

    What color are your shirts?

Life is not black and white. It’s a million gray areas, don’t you find?

Ridley Scott

Lesson 17

Grammar & Words

  • Q1 名词复数变化规则
  • Q2 名词复数的发音规则
  1. employee

    They are my employees.

  2. hardworking adj.

    He is a hard-working man.

  3. sales rep



    What is her job?

    She is a saleswoman.

  4. man woman

    men women

    Men are from Mars.

    Women are from Venus.

  5. office


    This is my office.

    Is this your office?

    Whose office is this?

  6. assistant

    What is her job.

    She is an office assistant.


    • 以 f 或 fe 结尾的,把 f 或 fe 变成 v 再加 es

    housewife -> housewives

    kinfe -> knives

    • 辅音字母 + y 结尾,变 y 为 i,再加 es

    country countries

    family families

    city cities

    party parties

    baby babies

    • 元音字母 + y 结尾,直接加 s

    day days

    boy boys

    monkey monkeys

When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife.

Prince Philip

Lesson 18

Practices & Words

  • Q1 they VS their ?
  1. they 他们 their 他们的

  2. sales reps

    What are their jobs?

    Are they mechanics?

    They are not mechanics.

    They are salse reps.

  3. nurses

    What are their jobs?

    Are they keyboard operators?

    They are not keyboard operators.

    They are nurses.

  4. air hostesses

    What are their jobs?

    Are they policewowen?

    They are not policewowen.

    They are air hostesses.

  5. taxi drivers

    What are their jobs?

    Are they hairdressers?

    They are not hairdressers.

    They are taxi drivers.

  6. teachers

  7. housewives

  8. hairdresers

  9. keyboard operators

I don’t have time for hobbies. At the end of the day, I treat my job as a hobby. It’s something I love doing.

David Beckham

Lesson 19

Words & Grammar & Story

  • Q1 如何表达 怎么啦
  • Q2 失去爆破是什么
  1. matter

    What‘s the matter? 怎么啦

    What’s wrong?

  2. children 复数

    child 单数

    These are my children?
    Are these your children?

    Whose children are these?

  3. tired adj.

    I am tired.

  4. thirsty adj.

    She is very thirsty.

  5. mum

  6. sit down

    失去爆破 /t/


  7. right

    I am all right.

    Are you all right?

  8. ice cream

    These ice creams are nice.


What’s the matter, children?

We are tired… and thirsty, Mum.

Sit down here.

Are you all right now?

No, we aren’t.


These’s an ice cream man.

Two ice creams please.

Here you are, children.

Thanks, Mum.

These ice creams are nice.

Are you all right now?

Yes, we are, thank you.

Tired minds don’t plan well. Sleep first, plan later.

Walter Reisch

Lesson 20

Practices & Words

  1. big small

    This dog is big.

    Is this dog big?

  2. open

    This shop is open.

  3. shut

  4. light heavy

    Who is heavy? boy or girl?

    The gril is heavy.

  5. long short

    These umbrellas are long.

  6. shoe


    These shoes are nice.

    Whose shose are those?

  7. grandfather


    This is his grandfather.

You are never too old to start learning, and you are never too young to aim high and achieve great things.

Asa Hutchinson

Lesson 21

Words & Grammar & Story

  • 如何表达给我一本书
  • I me 区别在哪里
  1. give v.

    give me five.

    give me a hug.

    give sb. sth.

    give me a pen.

    v. 前 用 I (主格) 后用 me (宾格)

    主格 宾格 x 的
    you you your
    I me my
    he him his
    she her her
    it it its

    give me your money. Please!!!

    give him your ticket.

    give me your umbrella. Please!!!

    give her her passport. Please!!!

    give me a hand. -> help me

  2. one 一个

    which one? 哪一个?


Give me a book please, Jane.

Which book?

This one?

No, not that one. The red one.

This one?

Yes, please.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.


Lesson 22

Practices & Words

  1. empty adj.

  2. full

    This is an empty house.

    This case is full. 这个箱子是满的。

  3. large medium

  4. little

    Give me a medium cup/one.

  5. sharp knife

  6. blunt 钝的

    This is a sharp kinfe.

  7. small big

    Is that a dog? It is so small.

  8. box

    Give me a box please.

    Which one?

    That little one?

    No, not that little one.

    This big one.

  9. glass

    Give me a glass please.

    Which one? That full one?

    No, not that full one. This empty one.

  10. cup

    Give me a cup please.

    Which one? This dirty one?

    No, not this dirty one. That clean one.

  11. bottle. 瓶子

  12. tin 罐头

    Give me a tin please.

    Which one? This new one?

    No, not this new one. That old one.

  13. kinfe

    Give me a knife please.

    Which one? That blunt one?

    No, not that blunt one. This sharp one.

  14. fork

  15. spoon 勺子

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

Malcolm Forbes.

Lesson 23 & 24

Words & Grammar & Story

  • Where 引导的特殊疑问句
  • 如何表达笔在桌子上
  • you/we/they 的宾格
  1. on shelf 在架子上

    on the shelf

    The book is on the shelf.

    Is the book on the shelf?

    Where is the book?


    My book is on the shelf.

    Is my book on the shelf?

    Where is my book?

  2. desk

    The books are on the desk.

    Are the books on the desk?

    Where are the books?

    Give me some books, please.

    Which ones?

    The ones on the desk.

  3. table

    The bottle is on the table.

    Is the bottle on the table?

    Where is the bottle?

    Give me the bottle, please.

    Which one?

    The one on the table.

    table for two


    订餐,2 位

    I want a table for two.

  4. plate

    The plates are on the table.

    Are the plates on the table?

    Where are the plates?

    Give me the plates, please.

    Which ones?

    The ones on the table.

  5. cupboard 食橱 碗柜

  6. cigarette 香烟

  7. television TV

    The television is on the desk.

    Is the television on the desk?

    Where is the television.

  8. floor carpet cup

    The wowen is on the floor.

  9. dressing table 梳妆台

    Is the dressing table on the floor?

    Where is the dressing table?

  10. magazine 杂志

    Are the magazines on the shelf?

    Where are the magazines?

  11. bed

    Where are they?

  12. newspaper

    The newspapers are on the floor.

    Where are the newspapers?

  13. stereo 音响

    Where is the stereo.

    主格 宾格
    you you
    we us
    they them
  14. food

    give us some food. Please!

    give them some food. Please!

  15. water


Give me some glasses please, Jane.

Which glasses?

These glasses?

No. not those. The ones on the shelf.


Yes, please.

Here you are.


My father always said, ‘Never trust anyone whose TV is bigger than their book shelf’ - So I make sure I read.

Emilia Clarke

Lesson 25

Grammar & Words

  • 如何表达 某地或某物
  • 如何表达 在房间的中间
  • 如何表达 在左边/右边
  1. Mrs

    Mr. & Mrs. Smith

  2. kitchen 厨房

    in the kitchen

    The table is in the kitchen.

    Is the table in the kitchen?

    Where is the kitchen?

  3. refrigerator 冰箱

    The refrigerator is in the kitchen.

    Where is the refrigerator?

  4. right left

    on the left/right.

  5. electric adj. 带电的

  6. cooker

    electric cooker 电烤炉 电烤箱

    This is my electric cooker.

    The new cooker is in the kitchen.

    Where is the new cooker?

  7. middle

    in the middle of the room.

    The table is in the middle of the room.

    Where is the table.


    There be + a/an + 某物 + 地点

    There is a table in the middle of the room.

    There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.

    There is not an electric cooker in this room.

    Is there an electric cooker in this room?

Where there is a will, there is a way.




Mrs. Smith’s kitchen is small.

There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.

The refrigerator is white.

a/an 泛指

the 特指

It is on the right.

There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.

The cooker is blue.

It is on the left.

There is a table in the middle of the room.

There is a bottle on the table.

The bottle is empty.

There is a cup on the table, too.

The cup is clean.

A room without books is like a body without a soul.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Lesson 26


  1. clean cup

    Is there a clean cup on the floor?

    No, there is not one on the floor.

    There is a clean cup on the table.

  2. large box

    Is there a large box on the shelf?

    No, there is not one on the shelf.

    There is a large box on the floor.

  3. sharp knife

    Is there a sharp knife on the tin?

    No, there is not one on the tin.

    There is a sharp one on the plate.

  4. empty glass

    Is there an empty glass in the refrigerator?

    No, there is not one in the refrigerator.

    There is an empty one in the cupboard.

  5. dirty fork

    Is there a dirty fork on the plate?

    No, there is not one on the plate.

    There is a dirty one on the tin.

  6. full bottle

    Is there a full bottle in the cupboard?

    No, there is not one in the cupboard.

    There is a full one in the refirgerator.

  7. blunt pencil

    Is there a blunt pencil on the table?

    No, there is not one on the table.

    There is a blunt one on the desk.

  8. small spoon 小勺子

    Is there a small spoon in the glass?

    No, there is not one in the glass.

    There is a small one in the cup.

Your present circunstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.

Nido Qubein

Lesson 27

Grammar & Words

  • How many 引导的特殊疑问句
  1. living room 客厅

    in the living room.

    This is my living room.

    There is a table in the living room.

    Is there a table in the living room?

  2. near prep.

    The man is near the woman.

    Where is the man?

  3. window


    The woman is near the window.

    Where is the woman?

  4. armchair 手扶的椅子

    There are 2 armchairs in the living room.

  5. door

    near the door.

    The boy is near the door.

    Where is the boy?

  6. picture

    There are some pictures near the TV.

  7. wall

    Berlin Wall 柏林墙

    The pictures are on the wall.

    How many 多少?

    There are 3 armchairs in the living room.

    Are there 3 armchairs in the living room?

    How many + 名词 一起提到句首

    How many armchairs are there in the living room?

    There are 3 cats in the picture.

    Are there 3 cats in the picture?

    How many cats are there in the picture?

    There are 4 windows in my living room.

    How many windows are there in your living room?

    There are 3 students in my class.

    How many students are there in your class?

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

George Washington Carver

Grammar & Story

  • some & any


There are some + n.s + 地点

There are some chairs in the middle of the room.

There are not any n.s + 地点

There are not any chairs in the middle of the room.

Are there any + n.s + 地点?

Are there any chairs in the middle of the room?

some & any


异:some 肯定句 VS any 否定和疑问句 (There be 句型)

There are some pens on the table.

There are not any students in the classroom.

Are there any boxes in the kitchen?


Mrs. Smith’s living room is large.

There is a television in the room.

The television is near the window.

There are some magezines on the television.

There is a table in the room.

There are some newspapers on the table.

There are some armchairs in the room.

The armchairs are near the table.

There is a stereo in the room.

The stereo is near the door.

There are some books on the stereo.

There are some pictures in the room.

The pictures are on the wall.

When one door closes, anthor window opens.

Julie Andrews

Lesson 28

Practices & Words

  1. trousers 裤子

    My trousers are in the living room.

    Are my trousers in the living room?

    Where are my trousers.

  2. some VS any

Are there any books on the dressing table?

No, there are not any books.

There are some cigarettes.

Where are they?

They are near that box.

Are there any ties on the floor?

No, there are not any ties.

There are some shoes.

Where are they?

They are near the bed.

Are there any glasses on the cupboard?

No, there are not any glasses.

There are some bottles.

Where are they?

They are near those tins.

Are there any newspapers on the shelf?

No, there are not any newspapers.

There are some tickets.

Where are they?

They are in that handbag.

Are there any forks on the table?

No, there are not any forks.

There are some knives.

Where are they?

They are in that box.

Are there any cups near the television?

No, there are not any cups.

There are some books.

Where are they?

They are near those bottles.

if you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.

Yogi Berra

Lesson 29

Words & Grammar & Story

  1. shut v.

    shut the door.

  2. bedroom

    Is this your bedroom?

    Whose bedroom is this?

    There is a bed in your bedroom.

  3. untidy adj. 不整洁的

    This room is untidy.

  4. open v.

    open the window.

  5. air v.

    air the room. 给房间通风

  6. put

    put it on the table.

  7. clothes

    Where are my clothes?

  8. wardrobe 衣柜

    There is a wardrobe in the bedroom.

  9. dust v. 掸灰

    dust the shelf.

  10. sweep v.

    sweep the floor


Come in, Amy.

Shut the door, please.

This bedroom’s very untidy.

What must I do, Mrs. Jones?

Open the window and air the room.

Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.

Then make the bed. 然后整理床铺

Dust the dressing table.

Then sweep the floor.

Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Lesson 30

Practices & Words

  1. empty v. 倒空、清空

    empty the glass.

  2. read v.

    read the book.

  3. sharpen v. 使锋利

    sharpen the knife.

  4. put on 穿 戴

    put on your coat/dress/skrit.

  5. take off 脱下 摘下

    take off your watch.

  6. turn on 打开,大多数情况下跟电有关的打开

  7. turn off

    turn off your phone.

  8. make

    make the bed

    wash the dishes.

  9. open

    It’s a hot day and the windows are shut.

    open the window, please.

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

Saint Augustine

Lesson 31

Grammar & Words

  • 何为时态
  • 何为现在进行时
  • 何为 v.ing 现在分词

动作发生的时间:时 (现在)

动作的状态:态 (进行)

主 + am/is/are + doing (v.ing 现在分词)

v.ing : eating/opening/reading

She is reading a book.

去 e + ing

come - coming

make - making

dance - dancing

They are dancing

双写 + ing

run - running

sit - sitting

swim - swimming

They are running on the street.

主 + am/is/are + not + doing

She is not reading books.

She is not making the bed.

They are not swimming.

am/is/are + 主 + doing

Is she opening the door?

Are they sitting on the floor?

Is she turning off the phone?

What + am/is/are + 主 + doing?

What are they doing?

  1. garden 花园

    There are some chairs in the garden.

    Are there any chairs in the garden?

  2. under

    There is a cat under the table.

    What is the cat doing?

    I don’t know.

  3. tree

    There are some children under the tree.

    What are they doing?

    They are reading books.

  4. climb 爬

    The boy is climbing the tree.

    What is the boy clumbing?

  5. who

    Who am I?

    Who is he?

  6. run

    The man is running.

    Is the man running?

  7. grass 草

    The man is running on the grass.

    Where is the man running?

  8. after

    The dog is running after the cat.

    Is the dog running after the cat?

  9. across prep. 穿过 (介词,没有时态)

    What are they doing?

    They are walking across the street.

    Are they walking across the street?

Just remember, you can’t climb the ladder of the success with your hands in your pockets.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Grammar & Story


Where is Sally, Jack?

She is in the garden, Jean.

What is she doing?

She is sitting under the tree.

Is Tim in the garden, too?

Yes, he is.

He is climbing the tree.

I beg your pardon?

Who is climbing the tree?

Who 特殊疑问句


Who is climbing the tree?

Tim is.

What about the dog?

The dog is in the garden,too.

It is running across the grass.

It’s running after a cat.

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Warren Buffett

Lesson 32

Words & Practices

  1. type v.

    Whar are they doing?

    Are they reading books?

    They are typing.

  2. letter

    She is typing the letter.

  3. basket 篮子

    This is an empty basket.

  4. eat

    Is she drinking?

    She is eating.

  5. bone

    The dog is eating the bone.

  6. clean

    Are they playing?

    They are cleaning the kitchen.

  7. tooth


    Is he eating?

    He is cleaning his teeth.

  8. cook meal

    They are cooking a meal. 做一顿饭

  9. drink

    She is drinking water.

  10. milk.

    She is drinking milk.

  11. tap 水龙头

    He is drinking tap water. 他在喝直饮水

You have got to clean your own house first before you tell other people that they are not doing it right.

Dan Wenster

Lesson 33


  1. fly v.

    What is Iron man doing?

    Iron man is flying.

  2. day

    It is a fine day.

  3. sky

    The bird is flying in the sky.

  4. cloud

    There are some clouds in the sky.

  5. sun 太阳 shine 照耀

    The sun is shining in the sky.

  6. with

    They are with their mom.

    Are they with their mom?

  7. family

    The boy is cleaning his teeth with his family.

  8. walk

    They are walking across the street.

  9. over prep

    The bird is flying over the city.

  10. bridge

  11. boat

    The boat is under the bridge.

    The boat is going under the bridge.

  12. river

    There are some boats on the river.

  13. ship 邮轮

    The ship is going under the bridge.

  14. aeroplane 飞机

    There are some clouds in the sky.

    The sun is shining.

    The plane is flying in the sky.

When trouble comes, it’s your family that supports you.

Guy Lafleur


It is a fine day today.

There are some clouds in the sky.

but the sun is shining.

Mr. Jones is with his family.

They are walking over the bridge.

There are some boats on the river.

Mr. Jones and his wife are looking at them.

Sally is looking at a big ship.

The ship is going under the bridge.

Tim is looking at an aeroplane.

The aeroplane is flying over the river.

if you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.

A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

Lesson 34

Practices & Words

  1. sleep sleeping

    What is the baby doing?

    The baby is sleeping with his father.

  2. shave shaving 除毛

    What is he doing.

    He is shaving.

  3. cry ctying

    Is the baby eating?

    He is crying.

  4. wash washing

    The girl is washing hands with her mom.

  5. wait waiting.

    They are waiting for a bus.

  6. jump jumping

    He is jumping.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

Anthony Burgess

Lesson 35

Grammar & Words

  • 如何表达“再给我一个月”
  • 如何使用prep.
  1. photograph photos

    This is a photo of my parents.

    They are sitting under the tree.

  2. village

    This is a small village.

    Where is the village?

    We are walking in the village.

    There are some houses in the village.

  3. valley 山谷

    There is a village in the valley.

    Is there a village in the valley?

  4. hill 山丘

    There is a village on the hill.

    There are some trees on the hill.

  5. another

    Look, there is another village in this valley.

  6. wife husband

    The husband is sitting beside his wife.

  7. bank 河岸;银行

    river bank

  8. water

    She is drinking water.

    Is she drinking water?

    What is she drinking?

  9. swim 游泳

    What is the man doing?

    The man is swimming in the river.

    Is the man swimming in the river?

    Where is the man swimming?

  10. building n. 建筑物

    There are some buildings in the city.

  11. park 公园

    What are they doing?

    They are walking in the park.

  12. between prep. 在 … 之间

    The baby is sleeping between his parents.

  13. into 进入

  14. out of 出来

    What is his wife doing?

    She is walking into a shop.

    What are the children doing?

    The children are running out of school.

  15. along 沿着

  16. across 穿过

    What are they doing?

    They are walking along with river.

    They are swimming across the river.

  17. beside 紧挨着

  18. near 周围 附近

    The left man is sitting beside the woman.

    The right man is sitting near the woman.

  19. under 在… 下方

  20. over 跨越

    What is the ship doing?

    The ship is going under the bridge.

    What are the planes doing?

    They are flying over the bridge.

  21. in

  22. on

    She is sitting on the floor.

    They are sitting in the park.

  23. off 从上面离开

  24. onto 从下面上去而不进入

    They are jumping off the wall.

    He is jumping onto his car.

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination.

Tommy Lasorda


This is a photograph of our village.

Our village is in a valley.

It is between two hills.

The village is on a river.

on + 江河湖海,表示附近的意思


Here is another photograph of the village.

My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.

We are in the left.

There is a boy in the water.

He is swimming across the river.

Here is another photograph.

This is the school building.

It is beside a park.

The park is on the right.

Some children are coming out of the building.

Some of them are going into the park.

One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.

Bryant H. McGill

Lesson 36


be + v.ing

Where is the man going?

He is going into the shop.

Is he going into the shop?

Where is the woman going?

She is going out of the shop.

Is she going out of the shop?

Where is the boy sitting?

He is sitting beside his mother.

Is He sitting beside his mother?

Where are the man and the woman walking?

They are walking across the street.

Are they walking across the street?

Where is that cat running?

The cat is running along the wall.

Is it running along the wall?

Where are the children jumping?

They are jumping off the wall.

Are they jumping off the wall?

Where is the boy walking?

He is walking between 2 policeman.

Is he walking between 2 policeman?

Where is the girl sitting?

The girl is sitting near the tree.

Is she sitting near the tree?

Where is the aeroplane flying?

It is flying over the bridge.

Where are they sitting?
They are sitting on the grass.

Where are they reading?

They are reading in the living room.

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead.

Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow.

Just walk beside me and be my friend.


Lesson 37

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用 一般将来时



一般将来时, 含义:计划打算


主 + am/is/are + going to do (v. 原型)

gonna do 口语

He is going to shave.

He is gonna shave.

He is going to jump off the building.

He is gonna jump off the building.

He is going to wash the cup.

I am not going to wash the dishes.

I am not going to cook.

I am not going to make the bed.

She is not going to clean her teeth.


Is she going to swim?

Yes, she is going to swim.

Are you going to eat?

Is he going to drink coffee?


What am/is/are + 主 + going to do? 要去做什么

What is she going to do?

Is she going to eat?

No, she is going to clean her teeth.

What is she going to do?

  1. work

    What are they doing?

  2. hard

    She is working hard.

  3. make 做,制作

    make my homework?❌

    make a shelf

    What is he doing?

    He is making a bookshelf.

    What is he going to do?

    He is going to make a bookshelf.

  4. bookcase 书柜

    Are you going to make a bookcase?

  5. hammer n.

    Whose hammer is this?

    What color is your hammer?

    There is a hammer on the floor.

    Give me a hammer, please.

    He is washing that hammer.

  6. paint 刷漆

  7. pink adj.

  8. favourite adj.

    Is this your umbrella?

    Yes, this is my favourite umbrella.

    She is going to clean her favourite umbrella.

Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.

Tena Desae


  • 如何表达 这是给你的

You are working hard. George.

What are you doing?

I am making a bookcase.

Give me that hammer.

Please, Dan.

Which hammer?

This one?

No, not that one.

The big one.

Here you are.

Thanks, Dan.

What are you going to do now, George?

I am going to paint it.

What color are you going to paint it?

I am going to paint it pink.


This bookcase is not for me.

It is for my daughter, Susan.

Pink’s her favourite color.

for sb.

This apple is for you. 这个苹果是给你的

Who is this for? 这是给谁的

Who is this umbrella for?

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Berbard Baruch

Lesson 38

Practices & Words

  1. homework 家庭作业

    do my homework.

    What is he doing?

    He si doing his homework.

  2. listen

    listen to the music/stereo.

    What are they doing?

    They are listening to music.

  3. dish - dishes

    单数 往往指盘子

    复数 往往指锅碗瓢盆

    He is going to wash the dishes.

    Is he going to wash the dishes?

    Who is going to wash the dishes?

What are you doing now?

Now I am shaving.

What is he doing?

He is looking at his homework.

What is he going to do?

He is going to do his homework.

What are you doing now?

Now we are doing our homework.

What is he doing?

He is turning on the stereo.

What is she doing now?

She is listening to music.

What are they doing?

They are walking to the bus stop.

What are they going to do?

They are going to wait for a bus.

What are you doing now?

We are waiting for a bus.

He is going to paint this wall.

We are painting this wall.

I am going to wash the dishes.

They are washing the dishes.

Believe in yourself, listen to your gut, and do what you love.

Dylan Lauren

Lesson 39

Grammar & Words & Story

  • 如何表达 小心
  • 如何表达 别哭
  • give sb. sth. 的变体
  1. front

    in front of 在… 的前面(外面的前面)

    The man is in front of the car.

    in the front of 在… 的前面 (里面的前面)

  2. careful 小心

    Be careful

  3. vase n. 花瓶

    He is cleaning the vase.

    I am going to paint the case.

  4. drop v.

    I am going to drop that. Catch it.

    Don’t drop it.

    Don’t cry.

    Don’t eat on the bus.

    Don’t + v.

  5. flower n.

    He is going to eat that flower.

    The cat is eating that flower.

    There are some flowers in the park.


What are you going to do with that vase, Penny?

I am going to put it on this table, Sam.

do with sth. 处理某事/物

What is he going to do with that refrigerrator?

He is going to clean it.

What are you going to do with that old car?

I am going to give Leo the car.

What are you going to do with those dirty dishes?

I am gonna clean them.

Don’t do that.

Give it to me.

What are you going to do with it?

I am going to put it here, in front of the window.

give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.

give me the book. = give the book to me.

Be careful!

Don’t drop it!

Don’t put it there, Sam.

Put it here, on this shelf.

There we are!

OK 的意思

It’s a lovely vase.

Those flowers are lovely, too.

I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for;

perfection is God’s business.

Michael J. Fox

Lesson 40

Practices & Words

  • 如何表达 展示某人某物
  • 如何表达 寄送某人某物
  • 如何表达 带给某人某物
  1. show

    show me your passport.

    show me your ticket.

    show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.

    What are you going to do with your passport?

    I am going to show it to Leo.

  2. send

    send me a postcard.

    send me a letter.

    send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb.

    What are you going to do with the postcard?

    I am going to send it to Leo.

  3. take

    take me some clothes.

    take me some coffee.

    take sb. sth. = take sth. to sb.

  4. put on 穿戴

    Are you going to put on your hat?

    Yes, I am going to put it on.

    Are you going to take off your hat?

    No, I am not going to take it off.

    使用 代词 it 放在中间

  5. take off

  6. turn on

    Are you going to turn on the light?

    Yes, I am going to turn it on.

    Are you going to turn off the light?

    No, I am not going to turn it off.

  7. turn off

Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.


Lesson 41

Grammar & Words & Story

  • 不可数名词

There is a pen on the table.

There are some pens on the table.


There is a piece of cheese on the table. ✔

There is some cheese on the table. ✔

cheese 不可数名词(un.)


  1. 液体 milk / 气体 air
  2. 组成过小: grass 草 hair 头发
  3. 总称 food/ fruit / money
  4. 同一个单词,含义不同

  1. cheese 奶酪 un.

  2. bread 面包 un.

    a piece of bread.

    a loaf of bread. 一条/片 面包

  3. soap 香皂un.

    a bar of soap.

  4. chocolate 巧克力 un.

    a bar of chocolate.

  5. sugar 糖 un.

    a pound of sugar. 一磅糖

  6. coffee 咖啡 un.

    a cup of coffee.

  7. tea

    half a pound of tea.

    half pound. 半磅

  8. tobacco 烟丝

    a tin of tobacco.

    some tobacco.


Is that bag heavy, Penny?

Not very.

Here! Put it on this chair.

What is in it?

A piece of cheese.

A loaf of bread.

A bar of soap.

A bar of chocolate.

A bottle of milk.

A pound of sugar.

Half a pound of coffee.

A quarter of pound of tea.

And a tin of tobacco.

Is that tin of tobacco for me?

Well, it is certainly not for me!

Hope is the poor man’s bread.

Gary Herbert

Lesson 42

Practices & Words

  1. brid n.

  2. passport

    Is there a passport here?

    Yes, there is. There is one on the table.

  3. milk

    Is there any milk here?

    Yes, there is.

    There is some on the table.

  4. spoon

    Is there a spoon here?

    Yes, there is. There is one on the plate.

  5. tie
    There is a tie on the chair.

  6. bread

There is some bread on the table.

  1. hammer

    There is a hammer on the shelf.

  2. tea

    There is some tea near the cup.

  3. vase

  4. suit

  5. tobacco

  6. chocolate

  7. cheese

Life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing - it can’t fly.

Dan Pena

Lesson 43

Grammar & Words

  • 情态动词 can

can 能

主 + can + do(动词原形)

Bird can fly in the sky.

Dog can swim in the water.

Cat can climb the wall.

主 + can + not + do(动词原形)

cannot = can not = can’t

Cat can’t read a book.

Elephant can’t jump.

Pig can’t look at the sky.

Can + 主 + do(动词原形)

Can you help me?

Yes, I can.

Can the dog swim?

Yes, it can.

Can kiwi fly?

No, it can’t.

What can + 主 + do(动词原形)

What can the bird do?

What can the cat do?

What can the grasshopper do?

It can jump.

  1. of course

  2. kettle n. 水壶

    He is washing the kettle.

    What is she going to do with that kettle?

    She is going to give it to Leo.

  3. behind 在 … 后面

    Where is he?

    He is standing behind the tree.

  4. teapot 茶壶

    What is she doing?

    She is cleaning the teapot.

  5. now

  6. find 找到

    Can you see the bird?

    I can’t find it.

  7. boil v. 沸腾

    The water is boiling.

Love is not something you find. Love is something that finds you.

Loretta Young


Can you make the tea, Sam?

Yes, of course I can, Penny.

Is there any water in this kettle?

Yes, there is.

Where is the tea?

It’s over there.

over there


behind the teapot.

Can you see it?

I can see the teapot, but I can’t see the tea.

There it is!

It’s in front of your!

Ah yes, I can see it now.

Where are the cups?

There are some in the cupboard.

Can you find them?

Yes. Here they are.

Hurry up, Sam!

The kettle’s boiling!

Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, with out deley.

Simone de Beauvoir

Lesson 44


  1. bread

    Is there any bread here?

    There is some on the table.

  2. hammers

    Are there any hammers here?

    There are some behind that box.

  3. milk

    Is there any milk here?

    There is some in front of the door.

  4. soap

    Is there any soap here?

    There is some on the cupboard.

  5. newspapers

    Are there any newspapers here?

    There are some behind that vase.

  6. water

    Is there any water here?

    There is some in those glasses.

  7. tea

    Is there any tea here?

    There is some in those cups.

  8. cups

    Are there any cups here?

    There are some in front of that kettle.

  9. chocolate

    Is there any chocolate here?

    There is some behind that book.

  10. teapots

    Are there any teapots here.

    There are some in the cupboard.

  11. cars

    Are there any cars here?

    There are some in front of that building.

  12. coffee

    Is there any coffee here?

    There is some on the table.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller

Lesson 45

Words & Story

  • 如何表达 “等一下”

  • 如何使用 “Why can’t”

  1. boss n.

    Who is that?

    That is my boss.

    Is he your boss?

    Look, our boss is waiting for the bus.

  2. minute

    wait a minute. 等一下

  3. ask v.

    I am going to ask them.

    Can you ask that for me?

    Sorry, I cannot ask that for you.

  4. handwriting n. 手写

    This is my handwriting.

    Whose handwriting is this?

  5. terrible adj. 糟糕的

    terrible handwriting.

    His handwriting is terrible.

    Whose handwriting is terrible?


Can you come here a minute?

please, Bob?

Yes, sir?

Where’s Pamela?

She is next door.


She is in her office, sir.

Can she type this letter for me?

Ask her please.

Yes, sir.

Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela?

Yes, of course I can.

Here you are.

Thank you, Bob.



What’s the matter?

I can’t type this letter.

I can’t read it!

The boss’s handwriting is terrible!

You’ll never get rich by working for your boss.

Felix Dennis

Lesson 46

Practices & Words

  • 如何表达 “小菜一碟”
  1. lift 举起

    What is your father doing?

    Look, he is lifting the heavy box.

    Can he lift the box?

  2. cake n. 蛋糕

    a piece of cake / piece of cake 小菜一碟

  3. biscuit 饼干

    make biscuits

    Can you make some biscuits for me?

  • put on your coat

Can you put on your coat?

Yes, I can.

What can you do?

I can put on my coat.

  • wait for the bus

Can Penny wait for the bus?

Yes, she can.

What can she do?

She can wait for the bus.

  • listen to the stereo

Can you and Tom listen to the stereo?

Yes, we can.

What can you and Tom do?

We can listen to the stereo.

  • wash the dishes.

Can Penny and Jane wash the dishes?

Yes, they can.

What can Penny and Jane do?

They can wash the dishes.

  • take these flowers to her

Can George take these flowers to her?

Yes, he can.

What can George do?

He can take these flowers to her.

  • drink its milk

Can the cat drink its milk?

Yes, it can.

What can the cat do?

It can drink its milk.

  • paint this bookcase

Can I paint this bookcase?

Yes, you can.

What can I do?

You can paint this bookcase.

  • see that aeroplane

Can you see that aeroplane?

Yes, I can.

What can you see?

I can see that aeroplane.

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.

Booker T. Washington

Lesson 47

Grammar & Words & Story

  • 一般现在时

含义:客观事实/存在状态 习惯动作


I want this job.

I love Beijing.

I like tea.

I do like tea.

这里的 do 助动词,表示强调,但不翻译。

变否定: do not = don’t

I do not want this job.

I don’t like tea.

I don’t love you.


Do 提句首

Do you want this job?

Yes, I do.

Do you like tea.

No, I don’t.

Do you love him?

Yes, I do.


特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句(去掉答案)

I want this job.

Do you want this job?

What do you want?

  1. like

    I like coffee.

    Do you like coffee?

    Why don’t you like coffee?

    I don’t like coffee.

    What do you like?

  2. want


Do you like coffee, Ann?

Yes, I do.

Do you want a cup?

Yes, please, Christine.

Do you want any sugar?

Yes, please.

Do you want any milk?

No, thank you.

I don’t like in my coffee.

I like black coffee.

Do you like biscuits?

Yes, I do.

Do you want one?

Yes, please.

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

Dolly Parton

Lesson 48

Practices & Words

  1. fresh adj. egg n. 新鲜的鸡蛋

    Can you take me a fresh egg?

    What is she going to do?

    She is going to send Leo some fresh eggs.

  2. butter 黄油

    Can you give me some butter, please?

    What are you going to do?

    I am going to eat some butter.

  3. pure adj. honey n. 纯净的蜂蜜

    There is some pure honey in the kitchen.

    Is there any pure honey in the kitchen?

  4. ripe adj. banana n. 成熟的香蕉

    I want some ripe bananas.

    Can I eat a banana?

  5. jam 果酱

    Is this jam sweet?

    Do you like jam?

  6. sweet adj. orange n. 甜的橙子

    I don’t like sweet orange.

    She is eating that sweet orange.

  7. Scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌

    Do you like Scotch whisky?

    What is he going to do?

    He is going to drink the Scotch whisky.

  8. choice adj. apple n. 优选/优质的苹果

    Do you want a choice apple?

    She is washing the choice apple.

  9. wine 红酒

    Do you like wine?

    They are going to drink some wine.

  10. beer

Do you like beer?

He is drinking beer.

  1. blackboard

He is writing on the blackboard.

The present was an egg laid by the past that had the future inside its shell.

Zora Neale Hurston

Lesson 49


  • 如何表达 牛排几分熟
  • 如何表达 我也不是
  1. butcher n. 屠夫

    at the butcher’s 在肉店

  2. meat n.

    Can you wash there meat, please?

    I am going to cook some meat for you.

  3. beef 牛肉

    Do you want some beef?

  4. lamb 羔羊 羔羊肉

    I don’t drink sheep milk.

  5. pork 猪肉

    Can you cook pork?

  6. husband 丈夫

    This is my husband.

    He is going to cook some lamb.

  7. steak 牛排

    How do you like your steak?



    rare; medium; well-done


    medium 就是熟了

  8. mince 肉馅

    Can you give me some mince, please?

  9. chicken

  10. tell

    You can tell me.

    Can you tell me?

  11. truth 真相 Truth 真理

    tell me the truth.

  12. either

    I don’t eat dog, either.

    me either.


if you tell me the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.

Mark Twain

Grammar & Story

  • 一般现在时 does
  • 动词的 第三人称单数

I want this job.

He wants this job, too.

does 表强调

He does want this job.


  1. v. + s

    likes; wants

  2. s x ch sh o 结尾的动词 + es

    watches; goes; washes; does

  3. 辅音字母 + y结尾,变 y 为 i + es

    cry - cries

  4. 元音字母 + y结尾,直接加 s

    buy - buys; say - says


He doesn’t want this job.

She doesn’t wash the dishes every day.

The baby doesn’t cry every night.

一般疑问句 does 提前

Does she wash the dishes every day?

Does the baby cry every night?


Do you want any meat today. Mrs. Bird?

Yes, please.

Do you want beef or lamb?

Beef, please.

This lamb’s very good.

I like lamb, but my husband doesn’t.

What about some steak?

希望别人用肯定回答的疑问句,可以用 some

This is a nice piece.

Give me that piece, please.

And a pound of mince, too.

Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird?

They are very nice.

No, thank you.

My husband likes steak, but he doesn’t like chicken.

To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I don’t like chicken either!

A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.

Michel de Montaigne

Lesson 50

Practices & Words

  1. tomato

    Does Penny like tomatoes?

    What does Penny like?

    She likes tomatoes, but she doesn’t want any.

  2. potato

    Do you like potatoes?

    Yes, I do.

    I like potatoes, but I don’t want any.

  3. cabbage 卷心菜

    Does Tom like cabbage?

    Yes, he does.

    He likes cabbage, but he doesn’t want any.

  4. lettuce 生菜

    He likes lettuce, but he doesn’t want any.

  5. pea 豌豆

  6. bean 豆角

    She likes beans, but she doesn’t want any.

  7. pear 梨

  8. grape 葡萄

  9. peach 桃子

    She likes peaches, but she doesn’t want any.

  10. banana

  11. orange

  12. apple

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

Brian O’Driscoll

Lesson 51


  1. Greece Greek 希腊

    He comes from Greece.

    Does he come from Greece?

    Where does he come from?

    He is from Greece?

    Is he from Greece?

    Where is he from?

  2. climate 气候

    What’s the climate like in Beijing?

  3. country

    in my country

    People don’t eat dinner in some countries.

    Why don’t people eat dinner in these countries?

  4. pleasant adj. weather n. 迷人的天气

    The weather is pleasant in Auckland.

  5. sweet/pleasant

  6. spring summer autumn winter

    in spring

  7. windy adj. 刮风的

    What’s the weather like today?

    It’s windy.

  8. warm adj.

    I like warm tea in winter.

    What’s the weather like in spring?

    It is warm.

  9. rain v. 下雨 sometimes 有时

    Sometimes, it rains in spring.

    Does it rain in spring sometimes?

    How often does it rain in spring?

  10. snow v.

Sometimes. it snows in winter.

  1. March April May

  2. June July August

  3. September October November

  4. December January February

Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge


  • 客观事实/存在状态

  • 如何使用 How often

Where do you come from?

I come from Greece.

What’s the climate like in your country?

It’s very pleasant.

What’s the weather like there?

What’s your boyfriend like?


What’s the weather like in spring?

It’s often windy in March.

It’s always warm in April and May,

but it rains sometimes.

be + often/always

What’s it like in summer?

It’s always hot in June, July and August.

The sun shines every day.

How often does the sun shine?

Is it cold or warm in autumn?

It’s always warm in September and October.

It’s often cold in November and it rains sometimes.

Is it very cold in winter?

It’s often cold in December, January and February.

It snows sometimes.

Solitude is pleasant. Loneliness is not.

Anna Neagle

Lesson 52

Practices & Words

  1. the U.S.

    Does he come from the U.S.?

    No, he doesn’t come from the U.S.

    He comes from Brazil.

  2. Brazil 巴西

    Do you come from Brazil?

  3. Holland 荷兰

    No, she doesn’t come from England.

    She comes from Holland.

  4. England 英格兰

  5. France

  6. Germany

    Do they come from Germany?

    No, they don’t come from Germany.

    They come from France.

  7. Italy 意大利

  8. Norway 挪威

  9. Russia

  10. Spain 西班牙

  11. Sweden 瑞典

A smile is so sexy, yet so warm. When someone genuinely smiles at you, it’s the greatest feeling in the world.

Mandy Moore

Lesson 53


  • 如何表达 对话
  1. mild 温和 always 总是

    What’s the climate like in Auckland?

    It’s always mild.

  2. north east west south

    in the north.

  3. wet 湿了

    The dog is wet.

    It swims in that river every day.

    Does it swim in that river every day?

    How often does it swim in that river?

  4. season 季节

  5. best 最好的

    He is the best in NBA history.

  6. night

    at night.

    The nights are short in summer.

  7. rise 升起 early

    The sun rises early in summer.

    The sun rises late in winter.

  8. set 落 late

    The sun sets late in summer.

  9. interesting 有趣的

    This book is very interesting.

    He is an interesting man.

    funny 滑稽的

  10. subject 主题 学科

  11. conversation 谈话,对话 n.

have a conversation.

They are having a conversation. 他们正在谈话

It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Nelson Mandela


Where do you come from?

I come from England.

What’s the climate like in your country?

It’s mild, but it’s not always pleasant.

The weather’s often cold in North and windy in the East.

It’s often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the south.

Which seasons do you like best?

I like spring and summer.

The days are long and the nights are short.

The sun rises early and sets late.

I don’t like autumn and winter.

The days are short and the nights are long.

The sun rises late and sets early.

Our climate is not very good,

but it’s certainly interesting.

It’s our favourite subject of conversation.

It’s never too late - never too late to start over, never too late to be happy.

Jane Fonda

Lesson 54

Practices & Words

  1. Australia Australian

    Where do you come from?

    Are you Australian?

    Yes, I come from Australia.

  2. Austria Austrian 奥地利(人)

    Where does he come form?

  3. Canada Canadian

    Is he Canadian?

  4. Finland Finnish 芬兰

    He comes form Finland.

  5. India Indian

  6. Nigeria Nigerian 尼日利亚

  7. Turkey Turkish 土耳其

  8. Korea Korean 韩国

  9. Poland Polish 波兰

  10. Thailand Thai 泰国

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Lesson 55


  • 如何表达吃午饭
  1. live 居住

    live in + 国家城市

    live at + 门牌号

    She lives in Beijing.

    Does she live in Beijing?

    Where does she live?

  2. stay home usually

    stay in 国家城市

    stay at 小地点

    He usually stays at home with his child at night.

    Does he usually stay at home at night?

    How often does he stay at home at night?

  3. housework 家务

    do the housework

    They are doing housework.

    I am going to do the housework.

    Can you do some housework for me?

  4. lunch 午餐 together

    We always have lunch together.

    have lunch 吃午餐

    Do you always have lunch together?

    Why do you always have lunch together?

  5. arrive 到达

    He arrives home late every night.

    Why does he arrive home late every night?

  6. afternoon

    in the afternoon

    They are going to do the housework in the afternoon.

  7. evening 晚上

    in the evening

    Can I watch TV in the evening?

Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.

James Dean


The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.

The + 姓氏,表示一家人

In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the chidren go to school.

Their father takes them to school every day.

Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.

She does the housework.

She always eats her lunch at noon.

In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends.

They often drink tea together.

In the evening, the children come home from school.

They arrive home early.

Mr. Sawyer comes home from work.

He arrives home late.

At night, the children always do their homework.

Then they go to bed.

Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch TV.

There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first your years the dirt doesn’t get any worse.

Quentin Crisp

Lesson 56

Practices & Words

  1. dusts the cupboard

What does she often do in the morning?

She often dusts the cupboard in the morning.

  1. makes the bed

What does she always do in the morning?

She always makes the bed in the morning.

  1. shaves

What does he always do in the morning.

He always shaves in the morning.

  1. listen to the stereo

What do they sometimes do in the evening?

They sometimes listen to the stereo in the evening.

  1. cleans the blackboard

What does he always do every day?

He always cleans the blackboard everyday.

  1. go to bed

What do they always do at night?

They always go to bed at night.

  1. washes the dishes

What does she usually do every day?

She usually washes the dishes every day.

  1. type letters

What do they usually do in the afternoon?

They usually type letters in the afternoon.

  1. drinks milk

  2. watch television

  3. eats her lunch

  4. reads his newspaper

Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

Sam Levenson

Lesson 57

Words & Story

  • 如何询问时间
  1. o’clock 点钟,几点钟

    What time is it?

    What’s the time?

    It’s 3 o’clock.
    o’clock 可以不加

    Is it 3 o’clock?

  2. shop

    There are many shops in this street.

  3. moment

    at the moment. = now

    She is doing the housework at the moment.

    Does she do the housework every day?


It is eight o’clock.

The children go to school by car every day.

but today, they are going to school on foot.

It is ten o’clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.

It is four o’clock.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.

But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.

It is six o’clock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework.

At the moment, they are playing in the gardon.

It is nine o’clock.

Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night.

But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight.

At the moment, he is reading an interesting book.

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

Omar Khayyam

Lesson 58

Grammar & Practices & Words

  • 如何表达 几点几分

  • 现在进行时 vs 一般现在时

What time is it?

It is six o’clock.

Is it six o’clock?

顺序:past; half; a quarter
分 past 时(分钟数小于等于30)

half past 12
30 past 12
a quarter past 12
12 past 12


10:50 (ten fifty)

倒序 to; half; auqarter
分 to 时

a quarter to 12
10 to 1

What does he usually do every day?

He usually shaves at 7 o’clock every day.

What is he doing today?

He is shaving at 8 o’clock today.

What does she usuallly do in the morning?

She usually drinks tea in the morning.

What is she doing this morning?

She is drinking coffee this morning.

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.


Lesson 59


  • 如何询问衣帽尺码
  1. envelope n. 信封

    I have a new envelope.

    Do you have an envelope?

    He has a new envelope.

    Does he have an envelope?

  2. writing paper 信纸

    Don’t write on that writing paper.

    She is writing on that writing paper.

  3. shop assistant

    I know that shop assistant.

    Do you konw that shop assistant?

    That shop assistant works hard every day.

  4. size

    I want a large size.

    Do you want a large size?

  5. pad 便签

    He wants a pad.

    She is going to buy a pad.

  6. glue 胶水

    There is some glue in the kitchen.

  7. chalk 粉笔

    Look, the little girl is eating the chalk, stop that.

  8. change 零钱

    She wants her change.

    Does she want her change?

Never confuse the size of your paycheck with the size of your talent.

Marlon Brando


I want some envelopes, please.

Do you want the large size or the small size?

The large size, please.

Do you have any writing paper?

Yes, we do.

I don’t have any small pads. I only have large ones.

Dou you want a pad?

Yes, please.

And I want some glue.

A bottle of glue.

And I want a large box of chalk, too.

I only have small boxes.

Do you want one?

No, thank you.

Is that all?

That’s all, thank you.

What else do you want?

I want my change.

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.

Stephen Covey

Lesson 60


  1. cheese 奶酪

Do you have any butter?

I don’t have any butter, but I have some cheese.

  1. potatoes

Do you and Penny have any beans?

We don’t have any beans, but we have some potatoes.

  1. beer

Do Penny and Tom have any wine?

They don’t have any wine, but they have some beer.

  1. jam

Do you have any honey?

I don’t have any honey, but I have some jam.

  1. biscuits

Do you and Tom have any bread?

We don’t have any bread, but we have some biscuits.

  1. bananas

Do Tom and Peny have any grapes?

They don’t have any grapes, but they have some bananas.

  1. steak

Do you have any mince?

I don’t have any mince, but I have some steak.

  1. eggs

  2. cabbages

  3. peas

Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift.

Bil Keane

Lesson 61


  • 如何使用 feel/smell

  • 如何表达 重感冒

  • 如何表达 我有好消息

  1. feel v. bad adj.

    She feels great.

    She doesn’t feel bad.

    Does she feel great?

    How does she feel?

  2. look v.

    He looks ill.

    Does he look ill?

    How does he look?

  3. sound v.

    It sounds terrible.

    It doesn’t sound good.

  4. smell v. 闻起来

    I smell bad.

    How do I smell?

  5. taste v. 尝起来

    It doesn’t taste good.

  6. call v. n. must doctor

    call me

    give me a call

    You look ill. I must call the doctor.

    Do you know that doctor?

    I don’t have the doctor’s number.

  7. telephone n. phone

    Where is the phone?

    There is a phone in the living room.

    Can you clean this phone, please?

    I am cleaning the phone now.

  8. remember v.

    Can you remember the doctor’s phone number?

    Sorry, I can’t remember.

  9. mouth n. 嘴 tongue n. 舌头

    Open your mouth.

    Show me your tongue.

    There is something in my mouth, on the tongue.

  10. cold n. 感冒

They look ill.

They have a bad cold. 他们得了重感冒。

  1. news un.

bad news

good news

I have a good news for you.

Do you have any good news for me?

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

Regina Brett


  • 如何表达 你有病吗?

Where’s Jimmy?

He’s in bed.

What’s the matter with him?


He feels ill.

He looks ill.

We must call the doctor.

Yes, we must.

Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number?

Yes, It’s 09754.

Opne your mouth, Jimmy.

Show me your tongue.

Say, ‘Ah’.

What’s the matter with him, doctor?

He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.

That’s good news for Jimmy.

Good news? Why?

Because he doesn’t like school!

The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.

Jonathan Swift

Lesson 62

Practices & Words

  • 如何表达 “头疼,牙疼”

  • 如何表达 看医生

  • 如何表达 吃药

  1. headache n. 头疼

    I have a headache.

  2. aspirin 阿司匹林

    take an aspirin

    I have a headache, and I’m gonna take an aspirin.

  3. earache n. 耳朵疼

    Does he have an earache?

  4. toothache

    Does she have a toothache?

  5. dentist 牙医

    I’m gonna see a dentist.

    I have a toothache.

  6. stomach ache 肚子疼 胃疼

    Does he have a stomach ache?

  7. medicine 药

    I am taking some medicine.

  8. temperature 温度 发烧

    She has a temoerature.

  9. flu 流行性感冒

    Does he have flu?

    这里不加 a / an

  10. measles 麻疹

have measles

  1. mumps 腮腺炎

have measles

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.

Lord Byron

Lesson 63

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用 must

  • 如何表达 “当然了/没问题”

情态动词 must

must 必须

主 + must + do

I have a very bad headache.

I must call the doctor.

主 + must + not + do

mustn’t 必须不, 表示 禁止

You must not smoke here.

You mustn’t eat rich food.

You mustn’t stay here.

must + 主 + do… ?

Must he go?

Must I do the housework?

Must I take these medicine?

What must + 主 + do?

What must she do?

She must clean her bedroom.

What must I do?

You must stay in the house.

  1. better

I am/feel better.

  1. certainly 当然了

  2. get up v. yet

    wake up 醒来

    I always wake up at 6, but I remain in bed, and get up at 8:30.

  3. rich adj. food un. 油腻的食物

    I don’t like rich food.

    My friend likes rich food.

  4. remain v. 停留

    He must remian in bed.

    He mustn’t get up yet.

It it better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.

Niccolo Machiavelli


How’s Jimmy today?

Better. Thank you, Doctor.

Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams?

Certainly, doctor.

Come upstairs.

You look very well, Jimmy. You are better now, but you mustn’t get up yet.

You must stay in bed for another two days.

The boy mustn’t go to school yet, Mrs. Williams. And he mustn’t eat rich food.

Does he have a temperature, doctor?

No, he doesn’t.

Must he stay in bed?

Yes. He must remain in bed for another two days.

He can get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm.

Where’s Mr.Williams this evening?

He’s in bed, doctor.

Can you see him please?

He has a bad cold, too!

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Mark Twain

Lesson 64

Practices & Words

  • 如何表达 与某人玩

  • 如何表达 同某人讲话

  • 如何表达 探出窗外

  1. play v.

    play with sb.

    Don’t play with him.

    Can I play with him?

    He is gonna play with his parents this weekend.

  2. match n. 火柴

    play with matches 别玩火

    I can’t find the matches.

  3. talk v.

    talk to sb.

    Don’t talk to me now.

    I am gonna talk to him.

  4. library n.

    go to the library

    He goes to the library on Sundays.

    Does he go to the library on Sundays?

  5. drive v.

    drive my car.

    Call me later, please. I am driving.

    You can drive my car to school.

  6. so adv. quickly adv.

    You are driving so quickly.

    Please slow down.

    Don’t drive so quickly.

  7. lean out of 探出

    Look, they are leaning out of the window.

    Don’t lean out of the window.

  8. break v.

    break the window.

    break my arm

    Are you going yo break that window?

  9. noise n. 噪音

    make a noise.

    Don’t make a noise.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Lesson 65

Words & Story

  • 如何表达 你能听见我说话吗?

  • 如何表达 玩的很开心

  1. Dad mum

    My dad is driving now.

    My mum is going to call my dad.

  2. key n.

    Can you find the key?

    I am cleaning the key now, It’s very dirty.

    She is going to give me the key.

    He takes the key to school everyday.

    You must take the key with you.

  3. baby n.

    This is her baby.

    The baby looks ill. We must call the doctor.

  4. hear v.

    Can you hear me?

    Do you hear that? 你听到了吗?

    I can’t hear it.

  5. enjoy yourself 玩的开心

    We are gonna have a party tonight.

    enjoy yourselves.

    enjoy ourselves.


What are you going to do this evening, Jill?

I am going to meet some friends. Dad.

You mustn’t come home late.

You must be home at half past ten.

I can’t get home so early, Dad!

Can I have the key to the front door please?

No, you can’t.

Jill’s eighteen years old, Tom.

She’s not a baby. Give her the key.

She always comes home early.

Oh, all right!

Here you are.

But you mustn’t come home after a quarter past eleven. Do you hear?

Yes. Dad.

Thanks, Mum.

That’s all right. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself!

We always enjoy ourselves, Mum.


All we have is today. Just live it. We don’t know about tomorrow. So, enjoy the day. Love yourself, and spread love around.

Charlotte Rae

Lesson 66

Practices & Words


I me my myself
he him his himself
she her her herself
it it its itself
you you your yourself
you you your yourselves
they them their themselves

when 特殊疑问句

When must you come home?

I must come home at one o’clock.

When must she go to the library?

She must go to the library at a quarter past one.

When must you and Tom see the dentist?

We must see the dentist at a quarter to four.

When must you type this letter?

I must type this letter at two o’clock.

When must Sam and Penny see the boss?

They must see the boss at half past one.

When must I catch the bus?

catch the bus. 赶上公交车

You must catch the bus at half past three.

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.

Larry King

Lesson 67

Grammar & Words

  • 一般过去时

  • 如何表达缺席

  • 如何表达 乡村音乐

: 动作发生的时间
: 动作的状态




am/is -> was

are -> were

He is a teacher.

He was a teacher.


Was $15.99

Now $9.99

We were at home in the morning.


They were not at school.

She was not thirsty.

This wasn’t us.


She was hungry.

Was she hungry?

He was at work.

Was he at work?

We were happy.

Were you happy?


He was at work in the morning.

Was he at work in the morning?

When was he at work?

Was she at school in the afternoon?

Where was she in the afternoon?

They were friends.

Were they friends?

Why were they friends?

  1. greengrocer 卖蔬菜水果的杂货商

    green grocer

  2. absent 缺席

    be absent from

    Tim is absent from school again.

    Tim was absent from school yesterday.

  3. spend v.

    spend st. sw.

    The students spend five days in the shcool every week.

    I spend 2 hours in the gym every day.

  4. country 国家,乡村

    We’re gonna spend five days in the country.

    Are you gonna spend five days in the country?

    country music 乡村音乐

  5. lucky adj.

    lucky number

    What’s your lucky number.

    He was very lucky.

  6. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekend(Sat. + Sun.)

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.

Richard Bach

Grammar & Story

  • 否定疑问句


Were you at the butcher’s?

Yes, I was.

Were you at butcher’s, too?

No, I wasn’t.

I was at the greengrocer’s.

How’s Jimmy today?

He’s very well, thank you.

Was he absent from school last week?

Yes, he was.

He was absent on Monday, Thesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

How are you all keeping?

几乎完全等同于 How are you?


Very well, thank you.

We’re going to spend three days in the country.

We’re going to stay at my mother’s for the weekend.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the country!

Aren’t you lucky!


否定疑问句 - 难道

Isn’t he Leo?

Can’t you see me?

Aren’t you going to help him?

Don’t you like tea?

A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.

someone on earth

Lesson 68

Practices & Words

  1. church 教堂

    at church

    He is always at church on Sundays.

    Is he always at church on Sundays?

    He was at church last Sunday.

  2. dairy n. 乳制品店

    at the dairy

  3. baker n. 糕点师

    at the baker’s

  4. grocer n. 杂货商

    at the grocer’s

When were you at church?

I was at church on Sunday.

Were you at church on Sunday?

When was Tom at the hairdresser’s?

He was at the hairdresser’s on Thursday.

Was he at the hairdresser’s on Thursday?

When was Miss Grey at the office?

She was at the office on Tuesday.

Was she at the office on Tuesday?

When was Mary at the baker’s?

When were you at the dairy?

When was Mrs. Jones at the greengrocer’s?

Call no man happy until he is dead, but only lucky.


Lesson 69

Grammar + Words

  • 如何表达“明年&去年”

  • 如何表达“一大群人”

  • 如何表达“在回家的路上”

there be

There is/are sth. sw.
There was/were sth. sw.

Where is the pen?

There was a pen on the table.

It’s not here.

  1. year

    next year

    I am gonna buy a new car next year.

    last year

    I was in Auckland last year.

  2. race n.

    car race 赛车

    We are going to watch a car race tonight.

  3. town n. 小镇

    This is a small town.

    She lives in a small town.

    Where does she live?

    Can you remember the name of the town?

  4. crowd n. 一大群

    a large crowd of people.

    You can see a large crowd of people on the street.

  5. stand

    She is standing.

  6. exciting adj.

    This is exciting.

  7. behind prep.

    He is standing behind the tree.

  8. finish n. v. winner n. just

    They are running.

    Tim is the winner.

    This is an exciting finish.

    Two people are just behind him.

  9. way n.

Defeat doesn’t finish a man, quit does. A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.

Richard M. Nixon


There is a car race near our town every year.

In 1995, there was a very big race.

There were hundreds of people there.

hundreds of 数以百计的

My wife and I were at the race.

Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.

You can see us in the crowd.

We are standing on the left.

There were twenty cars in the race.

There were English cars, French cars, German cars, Itanlian cars, American cars and Japanese cars.

It was an exciting finish.

The winner was Billy Stewart.

He was in car number fifteen.

Five other cars were just behind him.

On the way home, my wife said to me, ‘Don’t drive so quickly! You’re not Billy Stewart!’

You cannot be a winner without maturity and consistency.

Marco Silva

Lesson 70

Practices & Words

  1. stationer 文具商

    at the stationer’s

    Were you at the stationer’s?

  2. Denmark 丹麦

    She comes from Denmark.

    Where does she come from?

When were Sam and Penny at the stationer’s?

They were at the stationer’s on Monday.

When were you and Susan at the office?

We were at the office on March 23rd.

When was I in india?

You were in India in 1995.

When was I at the dairy?

You were at the dairy on Saturday.

When was I at the hairdresser’s?

You were at the hairdresser’s on Wednesday.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

Lesson 71

Grmamar & Words

  • 一般过去时 did

Do you love me?

I love you.

I loved you. 我曾经爱你

v. - v.ed 过去式


He looked nice yesterday.

I talked to him yesterday.

We enjoyed ourselves yesterday.

结尾 e 不发音 +d

live - lived

I live in Beijing now.

I lived in Auckland last year.

辅音字母+y结尾,变 y 为 i + ed

empty - emptied

She emptied the basket yesterday.

元音字母+y结尾,直接 + ed

play - played

双写 + ed

stop - stopped


do/does - did

did + not = didn’t

I talked to him yesterday.

I did not talk yo him yesterday.

She did not empty the basket yesterday.


did 提句首 v. 变原形

Did you love me?

Did you live in Auckland last year?

Did you play with your parents yesterday?


What did 主 do?

What did you do yesterday afternoon?

He called me.

What did you do yesterday morning?

What did she do last night?

She watched TV last night.

  1. awful adj. 糟糕 差

    It smells awful.

    He is awful.

  2. telephone v. n. phone

    call me

    I must telephone the doctor.

    They are gonna buy a new phone.

  3. time

    how many times?

    He telephoned me four times yesterday.

    Did he telephone you four times yesterday?

    How many times did he telephone you yesterday?

  4. answer v. 回答 接电话

    Are you going to answer that phone?

    Can you answer the phone?

  5. last

    last night

    last week

    last year

  6. say said v. again

    What did you say?

    Can you say it again? Pardon?

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Samuel Beckett


What’s Ron Marston like, Pauline?

He’s awful!

He telephoned me four times yesterday, and three times the day before yesterday.

the day before yesterday. 前天

He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon.

My boss answered the telephone.

What did your boss say to him?

He said, ‘Pauline is typing letters. She can’t speak to you now!’

Then I arrived home at six o’clock yesterday evening.

He telephoned again.

But I didn’t answer the phone!

Did you telephone again last night?

Yes, he did.

He telephoned ar nine o’clock.

What did you say to him?

I said, ‘This is Pauline’s mother. Please don’t telephone my daughter again!’

Did he telephone again?

No, he didn’t.

A positive attitude can really make dreams come true - it did for me.

David Bailey

Lesson 72


  • aired the room

What did you do yesterday?

I aired the room yesterday.

Did you air the room yesterday?

When did you air the room?

  • listened to the stereo

What did she do last night?

She listened to the stereo last night.

Did she listen to the stereo last night?

When did she listen to the stereo?

  • shaved

What did he do this morning?

He shaved this morning.

Did he shave this morning?

When did he shave?

  • telephoned

What did she do the night before last?

She telephoned her husband the night before last.

Did she telephone her husband the night before last?

When did she telephone her husband?

  • called the doctor

What did you do last night?

  • empitied the basket

She empited the basket the day before yesterday.

  • boiled an egg

Did I boil an egg yesterday morning?

  • cleaned our shoes

When did you clean your shoes?

  • played

  • stayed in bed

Lesson 73

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用副词 adv.

  • 如何表达紧密相连

  • 如何表达 我不懂

  1. go - went v.

    They go to school everyday.

    I went to school yesterday too.

    Did you go to school yesterday?

    When did you go to school?

  2. week

    weekday weekend

    You called me last week.

  3. London

    go to London

    She went to London last weekend.

    Did she go to London last weekend?

  4. bus stop suddenly adv.

    Suddenly, the car stopped near the bus stop.

    Why did the car stop near the bus stop, suddenly?

  5. smile v. pleasantly adv.

    Look, the little girl is smiling pleasantly.

    She always smiles pleasantly.

  6. understand v. understood

    I didn’t understand it at first. But now I understand.

    I understand.

    I don’t understand.

    Do you understand?

  7. speak v. spoke

    Do you speak English?

    She spoke so quickly. I didn’t understand.

  8. hand n.

    I cleaned my hands.

    Did you clean your hands?

    Why didn’t you clean your hands?

    go hand in hand
    closely connected

  9. pocket n. 口袋

    in the pocket

    He always puts his phone in the pocket.

    He put his phone in the pocket.

  10. phrase n. 短语 phrasebook n. 短语书

    I have a phrasebook.

    I must buy a phrasebook.

    I buy a phrasebook yesterday.

  11. slowly adv.

walk slowly

He is old, and he is walking slowly.

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.


Grammar & Story

  • v. 不规则过去式

Last week Mrs. Mills went to London. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way.

Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop. I can ask him the way. she said to herself.

‘Excuse me,’ she said ‘Can you tell me the way yo King Street, please?’

The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! He spoke German. He was a tourist.

Then he put his hand into pocket, and took out a phrasebook.

He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly. ‘I am sorry,’ he said ‘I do not speak English.’

Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.

William Pollard

Lesson 74

Practices & Words

  1. hurriedly adv. 迅速地

    He shaved hurriedly.

    He left the house hurriedly.

    leave - left

  2. cut - cut

    Be careful. Don’t cut yourself.

    Can you cut it for me?

    I cut myself yesterday morning.

  3. thirstily adv. 非常渴地

    He is drinking the water thirstily.

  4. greet v. warmly 热情地打招呼

    They are greeting each other warmly.

    He saw me and greeted me warmly.

Why did he cut himself this morning?

Because he shaved hurriedly.

What did he take?

He took a cake.

What did he do with it?

He ate it quickly.

What did you gave him?

I gave him a glass of water.

What did he do with it?

He drank it thirstily.

When did you meet her?

I met her the day before yesterday.

How did she greet you?

She greeted me warmly.

Why did you both arrive home late?

Because the bus went slowly.

How did you enjoy yourselves last night?

We enjoyed ourselves very much.

How did she swim this afternoon?

She swam very well.

You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.

Pablo Neruda

Lesson 75

Words & Story

  • 如何表达 3 年前

  • 如何表达 买给某人某物

  • 如何表达 一双,一副

  1. ago 之前

    N years ago

    N months ago

    N days ago

    N hours ago

    N minutes ago

    N seconds ago

    I met your mom 30 years ago.

    I went to Beijing 3 days ago.

  2. buy - bought

    buy sb. sth. / buy sth. for sb.

    My dad bought this TV for us 2 years ago.

    She bought her boyfriend a watch.

    buy us more time

  3. pair

    a pair of shoes/glasses

    She cleaned this pair of shoes yesterday.

    He bought a pair of shoes for his girlfriend three days ago.

  4. fashion n.

    in fashion

    This is in fashion.

    out of fashion

    Is this out of fashion?

  5. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服

    She feels uncomfortable.

  6. wear - wore

    She wears a pair of black shoes.

    She wore a white dress yesterday.


Do you have any shoes like these?

What size?

Size five.

What color?


I am sorry. We don’t have any.

But my sister bought this pair last month.

Did she buy them here?

No, she bought them in the U.S.

We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don’t have any now.

Can you get a pair of for me, please?

I am afraid that I can’t.

They were in fashion last year and the year before last.

But they are not in fashion this year.

These shoes are in fashion now.

They look very uncomfortable.

But women always wear unconfortable shoes!

The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.

Blake Lively

Lesson 76


  • looked at that photograph

When did you look at that photograph?

an hour ago.

I looked at that photograph an hour ago.

  • watched television

When did they watch television?

They watched television every day last week.

  • painted that bookcase

When did he paint that bookcase?

The year before last.

He painted that bookcase the year before last.

  • junped off the wall

When did the cat jump off the wall?

It jumped off the wall a minute ago.

  • worked in an office

When did you work in an office.

I worked in an office the year before last.

  • dusted the cupboard

When did she dust the cupboard?

She dusted the cupboard three days ago.

  • thanked her father

When did she thank her father?

She thanked her father an hour ago.

  • typed those letters

  • walked across the park

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you are being miserable.

Clare Boothe Luce

Lesson 77

Words & Story

  • 如何表达 预约

  • “walk in” 是什么意思

  1. appointment n. 预约

    have an appointment

    Do you have an appointment?

  2. urgent adj.

    Urgent Care

    Walk in

    you don’t have an appointment. = walk in

  3. till 直到

    Wait here till I come back.


Good morning. Mr.Croft.

Good morning, nurse.

I want to see the dentist, please.

Do you have an appointment?

No, I don’t.

Is it urgent?

Yes, it is.

It’s very urgent. I feel awful.

I have a terrible toothache.

Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 24th?

I must see the dentist now, nurse.

The dentist is very busy at the moment.

Can you come at 2 p.m.?

That’s very late. Can the dentist see me now?

I am afraid that he can’t, Mr. Croft.

Can’t you wait till this afternoon?

I can wait, but my toothache can’t!

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lesson 78


  • saw

It’s eight o’clock. When did you see him?

Half an hour ago.

I saw him at half past seven.

  • went

It’s Friday.

When did she go to London?

The day before yestorday.

She went to London on Wednesday.

  • bought

  • painted

  • met

  • arrived

  • lost

  • called

  • spoke

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Julius Caesar

Lesson 79

Grammar & Words

  • have got?

  • a lot of & many & much

I have a car.
I have got a car.
I’ve got a car.

He has a car.
He has got a car.
He’s got a car.

I don’t have a car.
I haven’t got a car.
He doesn’t have a car.
He hasn’t got a car.

Do you have a car?
Have you got a car?
Does he have a car?
Has he got a car?

a lot of

既可以修饰 cn. 也可以修饰 un.

I have got a lot of money.
We have got a lot of potatoes.


much + un.

There isn’t much tea on the table.

Is there much tea on the table?

Did you buy much food?

We haven’t got much money.

How much money do you want?


many + cn.

There aren’t many dishes in the kitchen.

Are there many dishes in the kitchen?

Did you buy many books?

We don’t know many people.

How many photos do you take?

  1. shopping list

    make a shopping list.

    He’s gonna make a shopping list.

    He is making a shopping list.

    He makes a shopping list every Friday.

    He made a shopping list last night.

    I can make a shopping list for you.

    You must make a shopping list.

  2. vegetable n. 蔬菜

    I bought some vegetables for my parents yesterday.

    Do you want some vegetables?

  3. need

    I need some help/vegetables.

    Do you need help?

  4. Hope is a good thing.

  5. money

    I need some money.

    Can you give me some money?

All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope.

Alexandre Dumas


What are you doing, Carol?

I am making a shopping list, Tom.

What do we need?

We need a lot of things this week.

I must go to the grocer’s.

We haven’t got much tea or coffee and we haven’t got any sugar or jam.

What about vegetables?

I must got to the greengrocer’s.

We haven’t got many tomatoes, but we’ve got a lot of potatoes.

I must go to the butcher’s, too.

We need some meat.

We haven’t got any meat at all.

Have we got any bear and wine?

No, we haven’t.

And I am not going to get any!

I hope that you’ve got some money.

I haven’t got much.

Well, I haven’t got much either!

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.

Walter Elliot

Lesson 80

Practices & Words

  1. groceries n. 食品,杂货

  2. fruit

    I bought some fruit for you.

    Where did you buy these?

  3. stationery n. 文具

    glue 胶水

    writing paper

    envelope 信封

  4. newsagent n. 卖杂志报纸的人

    That newsagent greeted me warmly yesterday.

  5. chemist n. 药剂师

    Just go the chemist’s to get some medicine.

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Lesson 81

Grammar & Words

  • have 的万能用法
  1. bath n. 浴缸里泡澡

    have a bath 浴缸里泡澡

    Did you have a bath?

    I had a bath 2 hours ago.

    She is having a bath.

    I am gonna have a bath tonight.

  2. ready nearly adv. 几乎准备好了

    Are you ready?

    I am nearly ready.

  3. dinner n.

    have dinner

    没有 a

    I am going to have dinner with my husband tonight.

  4. restaurant 饭店

    go to a/that/the reataurant

    Last night, we went to a restaurant.

    Did you go to a restaurant last night?

  5. roast 烤

    roast beef 烤牛肉

    Do you like roast beef?

    Yes, I want some roast beef.

have 吃喝玩乐

have breakfast
have lunch
have dinner
have a meal

have some milk
have tea
have coffee
have a drink

have fun
have a good time
have a haircut
have a swim

have a bath
have a party
have a holiday
have a lesson
have a cigarette

The world is changing quickly and we must be ready to change with it or risk being left behind.

Najib Razak


Hi, Carol! Where’s Tom?

He is upstairs. He is having a bath.



Sam’s here.

I am nearly ready.

Hello, Sam. Have a cigarette.

No, thanks, Tom.

Have a glass of whisky then.

OK. Thanks.

Is dinner ready, Carol?

It is nearly ready.

We can have dinner at seven o’clock.

Sam and I had lunch together today.

We went to a restaurant.

What did you have?

We had roast beef and potatoes.


What’s the matter, Carol?

Well, you are going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!

The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes.

Benjamin Disraeli

Lesson 82

Practices & Words

  1. breakfast

    have breakfast

    Did you have breakfast?

  2. haircut n. 剪发

    have a haircut

    I am having a haircut.

  3. party

    have a party

  4. holiday

    have a holiday

    We are going to have a holiday.

    When are you going to have a holiday?

  • be + v.ing
  • be + going to v.
  • do/does
  • can
  • must
  • was/were/did

What are they going to do?

They are going to have breakfast.

What are they doing?

They are having lunch.

What must they do?

They must have tea.

What did they do?

They had dinner.

What must they do?

They must have a meal.

What did he do?

He had a haircut.

What are they doing?

They are having a lesson.

What did they do?

They had a party.

And they have a party every Friday.

My normal life is like being on hiliday.

Valentino Rossi

Lesson 83

Grammar & Words

  • 现在完成时

  • 如何表达 制造混乱


主 + have done(过去分词) + 其他
过去分词变化规则 和 过去式 相同

I have had lunch.
I’ve had lunch.
He has had lunch.
He’s had lunch.

have 原型
has 三单
having 现在分词
had 过去式
had 过去分词


Do you want to have some food?

No, thanks. I have just had some food.

  1. mess n. 混乱

    untidy adj.

    The eggs fell on the floor and made a mess.

    made a mess
    make a mess

  2. pack v. 打包

    pack my bag

    I packed my bag yesterday.

    Did you pack your bag yesterday?

    When did you pack your bag?

    I have packed my bag.

  3. suitcase n. 行李箱

    I packed my suitcase last night.

    He is going to pack his suitcase.

    He is cleaning his suitcase.

    Are you going to buy a new suitcase?

  4. leave - left -left already

    He is already left.

    He is gonna leave. Just talk to him.

    Are you going to leave soon?

Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.

Benjamin Franklin


Hello, Sam. Come in.

Hi Sam. We’re having lunch.

Do you want to have lunch with us?

No, thank you. Tom.

I have already had lunch.

I had lunch at half past twelve.

Have a cup of coffee then.

I have just had a cup, thank you.

I had one after my lunch.

Let’s go into the living room, Carol.

We can have our coffee there.

Excuse the mess, Sam.

This room’s very untidy. We are packing our suitcases. We are going to leave tomorrow.

Tom and I are going to have a holiday.

Aren’t you lucky!

When are you going to have a holiday, Sam?

I don’t know. I’ve already had my holiday this year.

Where did you go?

I stayed at home.

When you leave a beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go.

Alexandra Stoddard

Lesson 84


Have you had any vegetables?

I haven’t had any vegetables.

Do you want to have any fruit?

I’ve just had some fruit.

Has he had any beans?

He hasn’t had any beans.

Does he want to have some peas?

He’s just had some peas.

Have they had any coffee?

They haven’t had any coffee.

Do they want to have some tea?

They’ve just had some tea.

Have you had any apples?

I haven’t had any apples.

Do you want to have some peaches?

I’ve just had some peaches.

Do your best and leave the rest to God.

Manisha Koirala

Lesson 85


  • 如何表达 去电影院

  • 如何表达 看电影

  • 如何表达 任何时候都不要做

  1. Paris 巴黎

    go to Paris

    live in Paris

    I lived in Paris three years ago.

    I went to Pairs five years ago.

    When did you go to Paris.

  2. cinema n. film n.

    go to a cinema 去电影院

    see a film 看电影

    I saw a film with my grilfriend yesterday.

  3. beautiful adj.

    It’s beautiful.

    Isn’t it beautiful?

  4. city n.

    I don’t want to live in the city.

    Don’t you want to live in the big city?

    I want to live in the country.

  5. never 从不 ever 在任何时候

The city is not concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.

Desmond Morris

Grammar & Story

  • have gone to VS have been to?

Sally went to Paris last week.
She arrived in Beijing yesterday.
She has been to Paris.

Sally went to Paris last week.
She is in Paris now.
She has gone to Paris.

Hello, Ken.

Hi, George.

Have you just been to the cinema?


Yes, I have.

What’s on?

What’s on? 直译:什么在上?


‘Paris in the spring’.

Oh, I’ve already seen it.

I saw it on television last year.

It’s an old film, but it’s very good.

Paris is a beautiful city.

I’ve never been there.

Have you ever been there, Ken?

Yes, I have. I was there in April.

Paris in the spring, eh?

It was spring, but the weather was awful.

It rained all the time.

Just like London!

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.

St. Jerome

Lesson 86


It’s cold

What has she just done?

She has just aired the room.

What have they just done?

They have just cleaned their shoes.

What has he just done?

He has just opened the window.

What has he just the done?

He has just sharpened his pencil.

What has she just done?

She has just turned on the television.

They have just listened to the news.

She has just boiled some milk.

He has just answered the telephone.

She has just emptied the basket.

She has just asked a question.

She has just typed a letter.

She has just washed her hands.

He has just walked across the park.

He has just painted the bookcase.

She has just dusted the cupboard.

If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.

Marc Anthony

Lesson 87


  • 如何表达 前台

  • 如何表达 带给某人某物

  • 如何表达 尝试做某事

  1. attendant n. 前台 receptionist n. 前台的工作人员

    I can’t find the receptionist.

    Where is the reception?

    Do you know that receptionist?

  2. bring - brought - brought v.

    bring , take
    bring 带来 take 带走

    Bring me some coffee.

    Bring it to me.

    I brought my car here five days ago.

  3. garage n. 车库

    There is a cat in the garage.

    They are having dinner in the garage.

    He bought a new garage last year.

    Why did he buy a new garage last year?

  4. crash n.

    have a crash

    I had a car crash last night.

    Who had a car crash last night?

  5. lamp-post 路灯,电线杆

    I drove into a lamp-post.

    How did you drive into a lamp-post?

  6. repair v. 修理 try v. 尝试

    try to do sth.

    I am trying to talk to the receptionist.

    Are you trying to repair my computer?

    He tries to repair it every week?

Don’t make things too complicated. Try to relax, enjoy moment, get used to everything.

Angelique Kerber


Is my car ready yet?

I don’t know, sir.

What’s the number of your car?

It’s LFZ312G.

When did you bring it to us?

I brought it here three days ago.

Ah, yes, I remember now.

Have your mechanics finished yet?

No, they’re still working on it.

Let’s go into the garage and have a look at it.

Isn’t that your car?

Well. it was my car.

Didn’t you have a crash?

That’s right.

I drove it into a lamp-post.

Can your mechanics repair it?

Well, they’re trying to repair it, sir.

But to tell you the truth, you need a new car!

I’m not perfect; I make mistakes all the time. All I can do is to try my best to learn from my mistakes, take responsibility for them, and do a better job tomorrow.


Lesson 88


do - did - done
buy - bought - bought
find - found - found
get - got - got
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
leave - left - left
lose - lost - lost
make - made - made
meet - met - met
send - sent - sent
sweep - swept - swept
tell - told - told

Did you buy a new car last year?

Yes, I bought a new car last year.

What about Sam?

He hasn’t bought a new car yet.

The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.

Kobe Bryant

Lesson 89

Grammar & Words

  • have done 用法二

  • 如何表达 物有所值

用法二:一个动作done或者状态been 从过去持续到现在

I have lived in Beijing for 10 years/since 2012.
How long have you lived in Beijing?

for + 一段时间
since + 时间点

I have been here for 2 hours.

  1. believe

    Do you believe me?

    I don’t believe it.

  2. may

    May I have some water?

    It’s too cold here.

    May I close the door?

  3. why because

    because + 句子

  4. sell v. - sold -sold

    for sale 代售

    They sold their house yesterday.

    When did they sell their house.

  5. retire v. 退休

    My father can stay with my mom, because he has just retired.

    They retired last month.

    When did they retire.

  6. cast v. 花费

    It costs 68500.

    How much does it cost?

  7. pound 英镑 penny 便士 - pence 便士s

    worth every penny 物有所值

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

Nikos Kazantzakis


Good afternoon.

I believe that this is house is for sale.

That’s right.

May I have a look at it, please?

Yes, of course. Come in.

How long have you lived here?

I’ve lived here for twenty years.

Twenty years! That’s long time.

Yes, I’ve been here since 1976.

Then why do you want to sell it?

Because I’ve just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country.

How much does this house cost?


That’s a lot of money!

It’s worth every penny of it.

Well, I like the house, but I can’t decide yet.

My wife must see it first.

Women always have the last word.

have the last word


Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.


Lesson 90


do - did - done
cut - cut - cut
put - put - put
read - read - read
set - set - set
shut - shut - shut
come - came - come
give - gave - given
swim - swam - swum
take - took - taken
eat - ate - eaten
go - went - gone
rise - rose - risen
see - saw - seen
speak - spoke - spoken

Did you do your homework last night?

Yes, I did my homework last night.

What about Ron?

He hasn’t done his homework yet.

Did you swim across the river last week?

Yes, I swam across the river last week?

What about Ron and Betty?

They haven’t swum across the river yet.

You usually have to wait for that which is worth waiting for.

Craig Bruce

Lesson 91


  • 如何表达搬去某地

  • 如何表达可怜的家伙

  • 如何使用 will?

will 一般将来时

用法一:意愿,临时的决定 will do

It’s heavy.
I’ll help you.

否定句:will not = won’t

一般疑问句 will 提句首

  1. still

    He’s still here.

    Is he still here?

    Why is he still here?

  2. move

    He is going to move tomorrow.

    move to sw. 搬去某地

    He moved to Beijing last year.

    Did he move to Beijing last year?

  3. miss v.

    They miss you a lot.

  4. neighbour 邻居 neighbor

    Do you like your new neighbor?

    I like them, but my husband doesn’t like our new neighbor.

  5. person - people

    person 人的单数 1 person

    people 人的复数 2 people

    A lot of people are dancing in the street. Why are they dancing?

  6. poor adj. 贫穷的 可怜的

    Look at these poor people. Let’s help them.

    Poor old guy. 可怜的老家伙

Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.

Victor Kiam


Has Ian sold his house yet?

Yes, he has.

He sold it last week.

Has he moved to his new house yet?

No, not yet.

He’s still here.

He’s going to move tomorrow.

When? Tomorrow morning?

No. Tommorrow afternoon. I’ll miss him.

He has always been a good neighbor.

He’s a very nice person.

We’ll all miss him.

When will the new people move into this house?

I think that they’ll move in the day after tomorrow.

Will you see lan today, Jenny?

Yes, I will.

Please give him my regards.

Poor lan!

He didn’t want to leave this house.

No, he didn’t want to leave, but his wife did!

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

Sholom Aleichem

Lesson 92


It rained yesterday.

Yes, and it’ll rain again tomorrow.

He got up late yesterday.

Yes, and he’ll get up late again tomorrow.

She swept the floor yesterday.

Yes, and she’ll sweep the floor again romorrow.

It snowed yesterday.

Yes, and it will snow again tomorrow.

He finished work late yesterday.

Yes, and he’ll finish work late again tomorrow.

They repaired his car yesterday.

Yes, and they will repair his car tomorrow.

She telephoned him yesterday.

Yes, and she will telephone him again tomorrow.

They drove home late yesterday.

Yes, and they will dirve home late tomorrow.

He had a shave yesterday.

Yes, and he will have a shave again tomorrow.

He made an appointment yesterday.

Yes, and he will make an appointment tomorrow.

People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.

John C. Maxwell

Lesson 93

Grammar & Word & Story

  • 如何表达返回某地

  • 如何表达坐飞机去某地

  1. pilot n. 飞行员

    What’s your husband’s job?

    He is a pilot.

  2. return n. v.

    return ticket

    return to sw. 返回某地

    He will return to Beijing next week.

    Will he return to Beijing next week?

  3. New York

    Have you ever been to New York?

    Sally has gone to New York.

  4. Tokyo

    I’ll fly to Tokyo next month.

    When will you fly to Tokyo?

  5. Madrid 马德里

    Why did they move to Madrid last year?

    When did they move to Madrid?

  6. fly v. - flew - flown

    fly to sw.

    They flown to New York this morning.


Nigel is our new next-door neighbor.

He is pilot.

He was in the R.A.F. (Royal Air Force)

He will fly to New York next month.

The month after next he will fly to Tokyo.

At the moment, he is in Madrid.

He flew to Spain a week ago.

He will return to London the week after next.

He is only forty-one year old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.

Nigel is a very lucky man.

But his wife isn’t very lucky.

She usually stays at home!

Life without dreams is like a brid with a broken wing - it can’t fly.

Dan Pena

Lesson 94

Practices & Words

  1. Athens 雅典

    Will you go to Athens next week?

    No, I shan’t go to Athens next week.

    I shall go to Beijing.

  2. Berlin 柏林

  3. Bombay 孟买

    Will Sam leave for Bombay next month?

  4. Geneva 日内瓦

  5. London

    No, I shan’t fly to London tomorrow.

  6. Madrid

  7. Moscow 莫斯科

    He will arrive from Madrid.

  8. New York

    Will Alice and Mary stay in New York next month?

  9. Paris

  10. Rome 罗马

When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do. 入乡随俗

Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Lesson 95

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用 had better

  • 如何表达 大量的,充裕的

  • 如何表达 赶上/错过火车

had better 最好(去做某事,否则会有麻烦/困难/危险)

主 + had better + 动词原型 + …

You had better take an umbrella.

Yod’d better 你最好…


You’d better sleep.

You’d better return the money.

You’d better run quickly.

You had better eat some food.

He’d better drink some water.

He had better not eat any food.

  1. return

    return tickets

    You’d better buy the return tickets.

    She’s gonna buy the return tickets.

  2. train

    Have you ever seen a train?

    I have never seen a train.

  3. station 车站 platform 站台

    Excuse me. Where is the train station?

    The train station is over there.

    Which platform?

  4. plenty

    plenty of + n.

    There are plenty of eggs in the basket.

    We’ve got plenty of time/money?

  5. bar n.

    Is there a bar near here?

    Excuse me, where is the bar?

    They have just cleaned the bar.

    He went to a bar last night.

  6. porter 乘务员

    Have you met that porter yet?

    I am gonna meet a porter tonight.

  7. catch - caught - caught

    He’s gonna catch a train/bus.


  8. miss

    Oh man, we miss the train.

    Hurry up, don’t miss the train.

I think when we truly love something, we get the same true love in return.

Diljit Dosanjh


Two return tickets to London, please.

What time will the next train leave?

At nineteen minutes past eight.

Which platform?

Platform Two.

Over the bridge.

What time will the next train leave?

At eight nineteen.

We’ve got plenty of time.

It’s only three minutes to eight.

Let’s go and have a drink.

There’s a bar next door to the station.

We had better go back to the station now, Ken.

Tickets, please.

We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.

You’ve just missed it!


It’s only eight fifteen.

I’m sorry, sir.

That clock’s ten minutes slow.

When is the next train?

In five hours’ time!

Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called everybody, and they meet at the bar.

Drew Carey

Lesson 96


I went to Beijing a year ago.

What about you?

I shall go to Beijing in a year’s time.

  • Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩

She will fly to Stockholm in two weeks’ time.

Frank and Alan returned to Tokyo two days ago.

You went to Sydney a month ago.

A train left for Geneva an hour ago.

It will leave for Geneva in an hour’s time.

Alice flew to Rome two days ago.

What about you?

I shall fly to Rome in two days’ time.

Tom and Mary went to London an hour ago.

It will leave for Berlin in three hours’ time.

Smith returned to New York one year ago.

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

Vince Lombardi

Lesson 97


  • 如何表达“你能处理某事吗?”

  • 如何表达“属于某人?”

  1. leave left left

    I left my bag upstairs.

    I’ll get it for you.

    Did you leave your bag upstairs?

    What did you leave upstairs?

  2. describe v.

    Can you describe that for me?

    I can describe that.

    You must describe that first.

  3. zip n. 拉链

    I need to buy a new zip.

    You’d better buy a new zip.

  4. label n.

    There is a label on the bottle have a look at it.

  5. handle n. v.

    He cleans the door handle everyday.

    Does he clean the door handle everyday?

    Can you handle this?

  6. address n.

    What’s your address?

  7. belong v.

    belong to sb. 属于某人

    This cat belongs to me.

    Does this cat belong to you?

Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.

Ronald Reagan

Grammar & Story

I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.

the other day.

另一天 ,前几天

Can you describe it, sir?

It’s a small blue case and it’s got a zip.

There’s a label on the handle with my name and address on it.

Is this case yours?

No, that’s not mine.

What about this one?

Let me see it.

I me my mine
she her her hers
he him his his
we us our ours
they them their theirs
you you your yours

There is a book on the desk.

It’s my book. = mine.

It’s her book. = hers.

What’s your name and address?

David Hall, 83, Bridge Street.

That’s right. D.N. Hall, 83, Bridge Street.

Three pounds fifty pence, please.

Here you are.

Thank you.


What’s matter?

This case doesn’t belong to me!

You’ve given me the wrong case!

I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine.

Neil Armstrong

Lesson 98


Are these your keys?

Yes, they are mine.

They belong to me.

Is this John’s letter?

Yes, It’s his. It belongs to him.

Are these my clothes?

Yes, they are yours. They belong to you.

Is this Jane’s passport?

Yes, it’s hers. It belongs to her.

Is this our car?

Yes, it’s ours. It belongs to us.

Are these the children’s pens?

Yes, they’re theirs. They belong to them.

The Earth does not belong to us: We belong to the Earth.

Chief Seattle

Lesson 99

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用宾语从句

  • 如何表达 你确定吗?


I hope that you’ve got some money.

I believe that this house is for sale.

I think that they’ll move in the day after tomorrow.

主 + v. + (that) + 句子

v.: think/believe/hope/say/understand/know

I think that you are right.

He believes that they will help him.

I hope that the food is safe here.

She says that she will help you.

We understand that we mustn’t talk in the library.

  1. ow

  2. slip v. 滑倒

    I slipped.

    Did you slip?

    How did you slip?

  3. fall fell fallen v. downstairs

    I fell downstairs.

    Did you fall downstairs?

    Be careful, don’t fall down.

  4. hurt v. 伤害 back n. 腰背

    I hurt my back yesterday.

    Did you hurt your back yesterday?

    She hurts her back every summer?

    Why does she hurt her back every summer?

  5. stand up

    sit down

  6. help

    Can you help me?

    I need some help.

  7. at once.

    Can you come at once?

    Will the doctor see me at once?

  8. X -ray X 光

    She needs an X-ray.

    Why does she needs an X-ray?

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar



What’s the matter, Andy?

I slipped and fell downstairs.

Have you hurt yourself?

Yes, I have. I think that I’ve hurt my back.

Try and stand up.

Can you stand up?

Here. Let me help you.

I am sorry, Lucy.

I am afraid that I can’t get up.

I think that the doctor had better see you.

I’ll phone Dr. Carter.

The doctor says that he will come at once.

I am sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.

Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.

Satchel Paige.

Lesson 100


I feel tired.

What’s that?

He says that he feels tired.

I’ve got a headache.

She says that she’s got a headache.

We want some money.

They say that they want some money.

I’m cold.

She says that she is cold.

We have toothache.

They say that they have toothache.

I need an X-ray.

He says that he needs an X-ray.

We can repair this car.

They say that they can repair this car.

We feel thirsty.

They say that they feel thirsty.

You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.

Walter Hagen

Lesson 101

Grammar & Words

  • 直接引语和间接引语

  • 如何表达 写信给某人


The doctor says, “I’ll come at once.”


The doctor says that he will come at once.

  1. 引号去掉
  2. 转换人称
  3. 添加引导词 that

He says, " I have just arrived in Scotland."

He says that he has just arrived in Scotland.

He says, “I feel tired.”

He says that he feels tired.

They say, “we will win the game.”

They say that they will win the game.


  1. Scotland

    Have you ever been to Scotland?

    Where’s John? He has gone to Scotland.

    They will fly to Scotland next week.

  2. card n.

    postcard 明信片

    business card 名片

    ID card 身份证

    We bought some postcards yesterday.

    He buys a postcard every summer.

    DO you have a business card?

    Show me your ID card please.

  3. youth hostel association 青年住宿协会

    YHA 青年旅舍

  4. soon

    He will write a letter soon.

    Will he write a letter soon?

  5. write wrote written

    write to sb.

    You haven’t written to me for a long time!

    I wrote a letter to him last week.

Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.

Christopher Parker


  • 如何使用反义疑问句

Read Jimmy’s card to me please, penny.

‘I have just arrive in Scotland and I’m staying at a Youth Hostel.’


He says he’s just arrived in Scotland.

He says he’s staying at a Youth Hostel.

You know he is a member of the Y.H.A.

The what?

The Y.H.A., Mum.

The Youth Hostel Association.

What else does he say?

‘I’ll write a letter soon. I hope you all well.’

What? Speak up, Penny.

Speak up 大声说

I’m afraid that I can’t hear you.

He says that he’ll write a letter soon.

He hopes we are all well.

‘Love, Jimmy.’

Is that all?

He doesn’t say very much, does he?

He can’t write very much on a card, Mum.


He doesn’t say very much, does he?



Leo is in Tokyo, isn’t he?

Leo goes to school on foot, doesn’t he?

Sam saw me last night, didn’t he?

Cat can’t swim, can it?

You have finished your work, haven’t you?

Leo hasn’t had his lunch, has he?

可用 right? 替代

Life’s like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.

Jim Henson

Lesson 102


  • cold

I’m cold.

What’s that?

She says she’s cold.

  • have a cold

I have a cold.

What’s that?

He says he has a cold.

  • licence

I need a licence.

What’s that?

He says he needs a licence.

  • sell this house

I shall sell this house.

What’s that?

She says she will sell this house.

  • have an earache

I have an earache.

What’s that?

He says he has an earache.

  • want a haircut.

I want a haircut.

What’s that?

She says she wants a haircut.

  • repair this car

We must repair this car.

What’s that?

They say they must repair this car.

  • headache

I’ve got a headache.

What’s that?

He says he’s got a headache.

  • money

We want some money.

What’s that?

They say they want some money.

The heart and soul of good writing is research; you should write not what you know but waht you can find out about.

Robert J. Sawyer

Lesson 103

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用 too & enough

  • 如何表达 共度余生

  • 如何表达 振作起来

tooenough 用法

adj. + enough

This is big enough.

too + adj.
too 有负面的感情色彩
正面的感情色彩一般用 very so

This is too big.

  1. exam n. pass v.

    pass the exam

    I passed the exam.

    Did you pass the exam?

    How did you pass the exam?

    Why didn’t you pass the exam?

  2. fail v.

    fail the exam

    He failed the exam.

    Did he fail the exam?

    Why did he fail the exam?

  3. mathematics math(s)

    I like math. What about you?

    Do you like math?

  4. question n. answer v.

    answer my question

    Can you answer my question?

    I can’t answer your question.

    Why can’t you answer my question?

    I have already answered your question.

  5. easy adj. difficult adj. hard

    I think that English is very easy.

    Math is too difficult.

    This is so easy.

  6. paper 纸 试卷 论文

    I need some paper.

    The English paper is too difficult.

    The math paper is easy enough.

  7. mark n. low adj.

    I have got a low mark.


    He has got a low mark.

    Why hasn’t he got a low mark?

  8. rest n. 其余的

    I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.

  9. hate v.

    I hate you.

    Do you hate me?

    Why do you hate me?

  10. cheer up! 振作起来

  11. guy n. 哥们


I know that guy.

  1. top

on the top of the paper/mountain

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.

Elon Musk


  • 如何使用 could

How was the exam, Richard?

Not too bad.

I think I passed in English and Mathematics.

The questions were very easy.

How about you, Gary?

The English and Maths papers weren’t easy enough for me.

I hope I haven’t failed.

I think I failed the French paper.

I could answer sixteen of the question.

They were very easy.

But I couldn’t answer the rest.

They were too difficult for me.

French tests are awful, aren’t they?

I hate them.

I’m sure I’ve got a low mark.

Oh, cheer up! perhaps we didn’t do too badly.

The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.



Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!

He didn’t write a word!

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.

William Blake

Lesson 104

Practices & Words

  • 如何表达 “过于…而不能”?

  • 如何表达 “足够…而可以”?

too + adj.

too + adj. + (for sb.) + to + 动词原型


It’s too big for me to wear.

adj. + enough

adj. + enough + (for sb.) + to + 动词原型


It’s big enough for me to wear.

  1. cheap adj. expensive adj.

    This car is too expensive for me to buy.

    The bicycle is cheap enough for me to buy.

  2. clever 聪明的 stupid 愚蠢的

    He is too stupid to pass the exam.

    He is clever enough to pass the exam.

  3. fresh 新鲜的 stale 发霉的

    The bread is fresh enough to eat.

    The bread is too stale to make a sandwich.

  4. loud low

    The music is loud enough for me to hear.

    The music is too loud for me to hear.

  5. high low

    The wall is too high for him to climb.

    The wall is low enough for me to climb.

  6. hard soft

    That apple is too hard to eat.

    That pear is soft enough for her to eat.

  7. sweet sour

    The dish is too sweet for me to eat.

    The dish is too sour for me to eat.

Could he answer all the questions?

Yes, he could.

They were easy enough for him to answer.

No, he couldn’t.

They were too difficult for him to answer.

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

Albert Einstein

Lesson 105

Grammar & Words

  • 如何表达 想做某事

  • 如何表达 告诉某人做某事

  • 如何表达 犯错了

want / tell

want to do sth. = wanna do sth.

I want to buy a new car.

Do you want to buy a new car?

Why do you want to buy a new car?

tell sb. to do sth.

Please tell him to bring me some coffee.

  1. spell spelt spelt

    Can you spell that for me?

    How do you spell “Leo”?

  2. intelligent adj.

    AI: Artificial Intelligence

  3. mistake

    make a mistake 犯错了

    You made a mistake.

    Did I make a mistake?

    You’re making a mistake.

  4. present n. 礼物

    I bought a present for you.

  5. dictionary n. 字典

    He bought a new dictionary last week.

    He is going to buy a new dictionary.

    Why is he going to buy a new dictionary?

    Tell him to buy a new dictionary.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Napoleon Bonaparte


Where’s Sandra, Bob? I want her.

Do you want to speak to her?

Yes, I do. I want her to come to my office.

Tell her to come at once.

Did you want to see me?

Ah, yes, Sandra.

How do you spell “intelligent”?

Can you tell me?


That’s right.

You’ve typed it with one “L”.

This letter’s full of mistakes.

I want you to type it again.

Yes, I’ll do that. I’m sorry about that.

And here’s a little present for you.

What’s it?

It’s a dictionary.

I hope it’ll help you.

Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Lesson 106

Practices & Words

  • 如何表达 我能留着这个么?

  • 如何表达 想让某人做某事

  1. carry 携带

    The man is carrying a black bag.

    Tell him to carry it.

    I want him to carry it.

  2. keep 保持

    I can’t keep this.

  3. correct v.

    correct the mistake.

    Tell her to correct the mistake.

    He corrected the mistake yesterday.

Why is the lady pointing at the suitcase?

Because she wants him to carry it.

Why is he giving her his photograph?

Because he wants her to keep it.

Why is she taking the knife from him?

Because she doesn’t want him to cut himself.

An error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.

Orlando A. Battista

Lesson 107

Grammar & Words

  • 形容词 比较级 & 最高级

  • 如何使用 比较级 & 最高级

  • 如何表达 “随你便”

形容词的比较级 & 最高级


  1. 单音节形容词 + er/est


small -> smaller -> smallest
new -> newer -> newest
old -> older -> oldest

  1. 单词以e结尾 + r/st

large -> larger -> largest
nice -> nicer -> nicest

  1. 辅音字母 + y结尾,变y为i + er/est

pretty -> prettier -> prettiest
easy -> easier -> easiest
heavy -> heavier -> heaviest

  1. 辅音字母 + 元音字母 + 辅音字母,双写最后一个辅音字母 + er/est

big -> bigger -> biggest
hot -> hotter -> hottest
fat -> fatter -> fattest


主语 + be + adj. er + than + 比较对象

That man is older than this wowen.

Yao is taller than Jet Li.

Jet Li si shorter than Yao.

The left dog is smaller than the right dog.

The left shoes are newer than the right shoes.


主语 + be + the + adj. est + n. + 范围

My father is the coolest guy in the world.

My mom is the kindest person in the world.

Angelina Jolie is the hottest woman in the world.

主语 + be + the + adj. est + n. + I’ve ever met/seen.

This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done.

This is the cutest baby I’ve ever seen.

Charles Chaplin is the funniest guy I’ve ever seen.

Mother Teresa is the kindest woman I’ve ever known.

  1. madam 夫人

    Madam, can I help you?

  2. smart pertty adj. as well

    It’s a very smart/pretty dress.

    Yes, and that woman is very pertty as well.

  3. suit v. 适合

    It suits you.

    Does it suit me?

    It doesn’t suit you.

    Suit yourself.


It’s pretty scary to know how quickly time flies.

James Wan


  • 如何使用 would like?

Do you like this dress, madam?

I like the color very much. It’s lovely dress, but it’s too small for me.

What about this one?

It’s lovely dress. It’s very smart.

Short skirts are in fashion now.

Would you like to try it?

All right.

would like + n.

可以理解为 want 的委婉说法,表示愿意

I’d like some tea.

Would you like some tea?

Would like + to do sth.

I would like to help him.

Would you like to help him?

I’m afraid this green dress is too small for me as well.

It’s smaller than the blue one.

I don’t like the color either.

It doesn’t suit me at all.

not at all


I think the blue dress is prettier.

Could you show me another blue dress?

I want a dress like that one, but it must be my size.

I’m afraid I haven’t got a larger dress.

This is the largest dress in the shop.

The higher the voice the smaller the intellect.

Ernest Newman

Lesson 108


This policeman is tall.

But that one is taller.

He is the tallest policeman I have ever seen.

This woman is short.

But that one is shorter.

She is the shortest woman I have ever seen.

This cars are cheap.

But those ones are cheaper.

They are the cheapest cars I have ever seen.

This knife is sharp.

But that one is sharper.

It is the sharpest knife I have ever seen.

This girl is pretty.

But that one is prettier.

She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

These office assistants are lazy.

But those ones are lazier.

They are the laziest office assistants I have ever seen.

This church is big.

But that one is bigger.

It is the biggest church I have ever seen

This test is easy.

But that one is easier.

It is the easiest test I have ever seen

This knife is blunt.

But that one is blunter.

It is the bluntest knife I have ever seen.

This boy is thin.

But that one is thinner.

He is the thinnest boy I have ever seen.

Everyone is just nicer to prettier people.

Olivia Munn

Lesson 109

Grammar & Words

  • 如何区分 a little, little, a few, few?

  • 不规则的 adj. 比较级 & 最高级

little few

a little + un. 肯定含义
little + un. 否定含义

a few + cn. 肯定含义
few + cn. 否定含义

There is a little milk in the fridge. You can drink that.

There is little milk in the fridge. We need to buy some.

There are a few apples in the fridge.

There are few apples in the fridge. It’s nearly empty.

I’ve got a few friends, so I’m not lonely.

I’ve got few friends, so I’m sad and lonely.

They have a little money, so they are not very poor.

They have little money. They are very poor.

不规则的 adj. 比较级 & 最高级

many/much -> more -> most

little -> less -> least

few -> fewer -> fewest

good -> better -> best

bad -> worse -> worst

  1. idea cn.

    I have an idea.

    That’s a good idea.

  2. teaspooful 茶勺

    I want two teaspooful.

  3. pity 遗憾

    What a pity!


    It’s a pity that + 句子

    It’s a pity that you can’t come.


  4. instead 代替

    You can eat this cake instead.

    Can I eat this cake instead?

  5. advice un. 建议

    That’s good advice.

    Is that good advice?

Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.

Kim Collins


  • 如何表达 做咖啡

Shall I make some coffee, Jane?

That’s a good idea, Charlotte.

It’s ready.

Do you want any milk?

Just a little, please.

What about some sugar? Two teaspoofuls?

No, less than that. One and a half teaspoofuls, please.

That’s enough for me.

That was very nice.

Would you like some more?

Yes, please.

I’d like a cigarette, too. May I have one?

Of course.

I think there are a few in that box.

I’m afraid it’s empty.

What a pity!

It doesn’t matter.

Have a biscuit instead.

Eat more and smoke less!

That’s very good advice.

Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.

Harper Lee

Lesson 110


I’ve got some coffee.

I’ve got less than you have.

I’ve got very little.

I’ve got some books.

I’ve got fewer than you have.

I’ve got very few.

I’ve got some meat.

I’ve got less than you have.

I’ve got very little.

I’ve got some money.

I’ve got less than you have.

I’ve got very little.

I’ve got some biscuits.

I’ve got fewer than you have.

I’ve got very few.

I’ve got some chocolate.

I’ve got less than you have.

I’ve got very little.

I’ve got some presents.

I’ve got fewer than you have.

I’ve got very few.

I’ve got some ink. 墨水

I’ve got less than you have.

I’ve got very little.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller

Lesson 111

Grammar & Words

  • adj. 比较级 最高级

  • 如何使用 as … as

  • 如何表达 “买某物分期付款”

  1. more most + adj.

多音节形容词 前加 more most 表更多.

beautiful -> more beautiful -> the most beautiful

She is more beautiful than her mom.

She is the most beautiful woman in her family.

  1. less least + adj.

多音节形容词 前加 less least 表更少.

beautiful -> less beautiful -> the least beautiful

less beautiful 不代表丑,只是相对而言

expensive -> less expensive -> the least expensive

  1. as … as

as + adj. + as + 比较对象

as expensive as

the blue car is as clean as the red car.

第一个 as 可以理解为 “同样的”,第二个 as 可以理解为 “像”


He is as stupid as a donkey.

She is as beautiful as an angel.

He is as slow as a snail.

Pregnant womam is as beautiful as a flower.

not as … as 不如

The blue car is not as clean as the red car.

The woman is not as tall as the man.

The left dog is not as big as the right dog.

The left man is not as thin as the right.

The left river is not as clean as the right river.

  1. model n.

    This is a car model.

    My car model is bigger than yours.

    My son wants to buy a car model.

    I think that this car model is too expensive.

  2. afford v. 买得起

    It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it.

    It’s cheap enough. I can afford it.

  3. deposit n. 预付款

    You can pay a deposit of thiry pounds

    Can I pay a deposit of thirty pounds?

    He paid a deposit of thirty pounds.

  4. instalment 分期付款

    buy sth. on instalments

    He bought this car on instalments.

  5. price n. 价格

  6. millionaire 百万富翁

    I think that he wants to be a millionaire.

    Do you want to be a millionaire?

I want a man who’s kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire?

Zsa Zsa Gabor


I like this television very much.

How much does it cost?

It’s the most expensive model in the shop.

It costs five hundred pounds.

That’s too expensive for us.

We can’t afford all that money.

This model’s less expensive than that one.

It’s only three hundred pounds.

But, of course, it’s not as good as the expensive one.

I don’t like this model.

The other model’s more expensive, but it’s worth the money.

Can we buy it on instalments?

Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.

Do you like it, dear?

I certainly do, but I don’t like the price.

You always want the best, but we can’t afford it.

Sometimes you think you’re a millionaire!

Millionaire don’t buy things on instalments.

I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.

Phyllis Diller

Lesson 112


  • apple

Is the red apple sweeter than the green one?

No, it isn’t.

The red apple is as sweet as the green one.

  • man woman

Is the man shorter than the woman?

No, he isn’t.

The man is as short as the woman.

  • television

Is the television on the left more expensive than the one on the right?

No, it isn’t.

The television on the left is not as expensive as the one on the right.

  • pencil

Is the red pencil blunter than the green one?

No, it isn’t.

The red pencil is as blunt as the green one.

  • handbag

Is the white handbag newer than the black one?

No, it isn’t.

The white handbag is not as new as the black one.

Although children are only 24% of the population, they’re 100% of our future and we cannot afford to provide any child with a substandard education.

Ed Markey

Lesson 113

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用 no 和 none

not & no

not any/a/an = no + n.

I didn’t see any cars in the street.

I saw no cars in the street.

I haven’t got any time.

I’ve got no time.

I don’t have any money.

I have no money.

There aren’t any books on the shelves.

There are no books on the shelves.


no + n. = none

We haven’t got any beer.

We’ve got no beer.

We’ve got none.

There aren’t any students.

There are no students.

There are none.

  1. conductor n. 售票员

    This conductor is taller than that one.

  2. fare n. 车费

  3. change v. 兑换零钱

  4. note n. 纸币

    I can’t change a ten pound note.

  5. passenger n. 乘客

    This bus is full of young passengers.

  6. get off 下车

    Look, that little girl is getting off the bus.

  7. tramp n. 流浪汉

    Can we help that tramp?

  8. except 除了

    No dogs except guide dogs.

A friend to all is a friend to none.


Grammar & Story

  • 如何理解 “Neither can I”

  • 如何理解 “So have I”

Fares, please.

Trafalgar Square, please.

I’m sorry, sir.

I can’t change a ten-pound note.

Haven’t you got any small change?

I’ve got no small change, I am afraid.

I’ll ask some of the passengers.

Have you any small change, sir?

I’m sorry. I’ve got none.

I haven’t got any either.

Can you change this ten-pound note, madam?

I’m afraid I can’t.

Neither can I.

I’m very sorry, sir.

You must get off the bus.

None of our passengers can change your this note.

They are all millionaires!

Except us.

I’ve got some small change.

So have I.

so neither

肯定:so + 助动词/情态动词/be + 主语

否定:neither + 助动词/情态动词/be + 主语


I have a happy family.

So do I.

I don’t want to work.

Neither do I.

I can swim.

So can I.

There is nothing permanent except change.


Lesson 114


I’m hungry.

So am I.

I am not tired.

Neither am I.

I want some coffee.

So do I.

I don’t want any tea.

Neither do I.

I was at the party.

So was I.

I can swim very well

So can I.

I can’t speak Chinese.

Neither can I.

I didn’t buy a new car last year.

Neither did I.

The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.

Thomas Szasz

Lesson 115

  • 如何使用不定代词
every no any some
everyone no one anyone someone
everybody nobody anybody somebody
everything nothing anything something
everywhere nowhere anywhere somewhere
  1. knock v.

    Someone is knocking at the door.

    Who is knocking at the door?

    Did you knock at the door?

  2. quiet adj.

    Be quiet. 安静

  3. impossible adj.

    im + possible

    Everything is possible.

    Nothing is impossible.

  4. invite v.

    They invited me to dinner.

    Did they invite you to dinner?

    Why did they invite you to dinner?

  5. lemonade n. 柠檬水

    give me some lemonade.

    This lemonade is the best I’ve ever tasted.

    This lemonade is as good as that one.

  6. joke v. 开玩笑

    She is joking.

    Is she joking?

    You can’t joke about this.

It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Nelson Mandela


Isn’t there anyone at home?

I’ll knock again, Helen. Everything’s very quiet.

I’m sure there’s no one at home.

But that’s impossible.

Carol and Tom invited us to lunch. Look through the window.

Can you see anything?

Nothing at all.

Let’s try the back door.

Look! Everyone’s in the garden.

Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim.

Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden.

It’s nice and warm out here.

Come and have something to drink.


Thanks, Carol.

May I have a glass of beer please?

Beer? There’s none left.

You can have some lemonade.


Don’t believe her, Jim.

She’s only joking.

Have some beer!

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

Marie Curie

Lesson 116


  1. asleep adj. 睡着的

    She is asleep.

    Everyone is asleep.

  2. glasses n. 眼镜

    You are wearing your new glasses.

    I bought these new glasses last week.

Did you see anyone yesterday?

No, I saw no one.

Did you hear anything?

No, I heard nothing.

Did anyone speak to you?

No, no one spoke to me.

Did you go anywhere yesterday?

No, I went nowhere.

I didn’t go anywhere.

not any = no

Did you buy anything this morning?

No, I bought nothing.

Did you write to anyone yesterday?

No, I wrote to no one.

Did anyone meet you at the station?

No, no one met me.

To get rich, you have to be making money while you’re asleep.

David Bailey

Lesson 117

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用 过去进行时

  • 如何使用 when while

  1. 过去进行时:was/were + doing

I was doing my homework at 8 o’clock last night.

We were swiming in the river, at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

Were you swiming in the river at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

What were you doing?

  1. 时间状语从句

He was cooking a meal at 10 o’clock.

He was cooking a meal when he was listening to music.


When + was doing/did

While + was doing

Someone knocked at the door when I was having lunch.

She was washing the dishes when the telephone rang.

She was cooking the dinner when I knocked at the door.

She was cooking the dinner while I was watching TV.

She was cooking the dinner while I was eating.

I was playing games when my father was sleeping last night.

When I was driving to London, it rained heavily.

  1. dining room 餐厅

    There are seven chairs in the dining room.

    This dining room is big enough for us.

    Look, they are having lunch in the dining room.

  2. coin n. 硬币

    I’ve got more coins than you have.

    This is the most beautiful coin I’ve ever seen.

    Do you have any coins?

    I have no coins.

  3. mouth n. swallow v.

    Don’t swallow that.

    She swallowed all the pills last night.

  4. alligator 鳄鱼

    see you later alligator



  5. toilet n. 卫生间 马桶

    Where is the toilet?

    I cleaned the toilet yesterday.

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.

Carl Sandburg


When my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor.

There were coins everywhere.

We looked for them, but we could not find them all.

While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor.

He put them both into his mouth.

We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late.

Tommy had already swallowed them!

Later that morning, when I was doing the housework, my husband phoned me from the office.

‘How’s Tommy?’ he asked. ‘I don’t know,’ I answered. ‘Tommy’s been to toilet three times this morning, but I haven’t had any change yet!’

Leadership is the other side of the coin of loneliness, and he who is a leader must always act alone. And acting alone, accept everything alone.

Ferdinand Marcos

Lesson 118


  • having a bath

What were you doing when he arrived?

I was having a bath.

I was having a bath when he arrived.

  • washing the dishes

What was Mary doing when the telephone rang?

She was washing the dishes.

She was washing the dishes when the telephone rang.

  • making the bed

What was your mother doing when the postman came?

She was making the bed.

She was making the bed when the postman came.

  • telephoning my sister

What were you doing when it happened?

I was telephoning my sister.

I was telephoning my sister when it happened.

  • reading

What were the children doing when the milk boiled over?

They were reading.

They were reading when the milk boiled over.

  • making tea

What were you doing when the baby broke that cup?

I was making tea.

I was making tea when the baby broke that cup.

  • listening to the stereo

What were you doing when your mother came into the room?

I was listening to the stereo.

I was listening to the stereo when my mother came into the room.

Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.

Joyce Meyer

Lesson 119

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用过去完成时

  • 如何使用 before after

  • 如何理解 shit happens

过去完成时: 强调过去的某一个动作发生在另一动作或状态之前(过去的过去)

had done —> did —> now

经常与 after before 连用

After A, B = B after A.

After I had seen the film, I read the book.

I read the book after I had seen the film.

After I had sold the old car, I bought a new one.

I bought a new car after I had sold the old car.

After he had got out of the car, he said goodbye to the taxi driver.

Before B, A = A before B.

Before they ate the dinner, they had washed their hands.

They had washed their hands before they ate the dinner.

Before you knew it, I had already run far away.

I had already run far away before you knew it.

  1. story n.

    tell a story 讲一个故事

    My father told us a story last night.

    My father tell us a story every night.

    Their father is telling them a story now.

  2. shit happens

  3. thief - thieves n. 小偷

    That thief was looking at the picture in the living room when someone knocked at the door.

  4. enter v.

  5. dark adj.

    It’s dark outside. Be careful.

    This room is darker than that one.

    This is the darkest night I’ve ever seen.

  6. torch n. 手电筒

    Can you give me a torch, please?

    I have had this torch for 10 years.

  7. voice n.

    hear a voice

    Did you hear a voice?

    Can you hear a voice?

    It’s good to hear your voice.

  8. parrot n. 鹦鹉

    Everybody likes this parrot.

The great thing about social media was how it gave a voice to voiceless peoole.

Jon Ronson

Lesson 119


Do you like stories? I want to tell you a true story.

It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.

While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.

After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room.

It was very dark, so they turned on a torch.

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them. “What’s up? What’s up?” someone called.

The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.

George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.

He turned on the light, but he couldn’t see anyone.

The thieves had already gone.

But George’s parrot, Henry, was still there. “What’s up? What’s up?” he called.

“Nothing, Henry,” George said and smiled. “Go to sleep.”

If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.

Orson Welles

Lesson 120


Did you read the book?

Yes, but I saw the film first.

I read the book after I had seen the film.

Did you go to the doctor?

Yes, but I made an appointment first.

I went to the doctor after I had made an appointment.

Did the boss leave the office?

Yes, but he finished his work first.

The boss left the office after he had finished his work.

Did your wife go out?

Yes, but she finished the housework first.

My wife went out after she had finished the housework.

Did you teacher give you your exercise book?

Yes, but he corrected it first.

He gave me my exercise book after he had corrected it.

Nobody on this earth is perfect. Everybody has their flaws; everybody has their dark secrets and vices.

Juice Wrld

Lesson 121


  1. customer n. 顾客

    Customer Service 顾客服务

    The customer is always right.

  2. forget - forgot - forgotten

    Oh, No. I forgot to take my pills.

    I forgot to take an umbrella with me.

    I forgot to cook dinner for him.

  3. manager n.

    He is the hotel manager.

    The hotel manager cleaned every room yesterday.

  4. serve v. 服务

    After he had served us some food, he went back home.

    I served him an hour ago.

    Did you serve him an hour ago?

  5. counter n. 柜台

    The lady is standing behind the counter.

    After she had cleaned the counter, she closed the store.

    This counter is higher than the old one.

  6. recognize v. 识别

    I can recognize him.

    Can’t you recognize him?

    You can recognize him, can’t you?

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin


  • 如何使用定语从句

  • 如何区分 who/whom/which

  • 定语从句中的易错点


定语从句修饰人用 who/whom/that


#1 He is the man.

#2 The man met me yesterday.

He is the man who met me yesterday.

定语从句中的主语用 who/that


#1 He is the man.

#2 I met the man yesterday.

He is the man who/whom I met yesterday.

定语从句中的宾语用 who/whom/that

因为在定语从句中,who/that 可以替代主语和宾语,而 whom 只能替代宾语,所以 whom 用的不多

定语从句修饰物用 which/that


#1 This is the letter.

#2 He sent me the letter.

This is the letter which/that he sent me.

定语从句中替代宾语时,who/which/that 可以省略


#1 This is the book.

#2 He bought the book yesterday.

This is the book which/that he bought yesterday.




The man is cute.

He lives next to me.

The man is cute who lives next to me. ❌

The man who lives next to me is cute. ✔️


The man who stands there is my brother.


I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me.

Who served you, sir?

The lady who is standing behind the counter.

Which books did you buy?

The books which are on the counter.

Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline?

He says he’s the man who bought these books.

I can’t remember.

The man who I served was wearing a hat.

Have you got a hat, sir?

Yes, I have.

Would you put it on, please?

All right.

Is this the man that you served, Caroline?

Yes, I recongnize him now.

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.


Lesson 122

Practices & Words

  1. roads n.

    country roads

Isn’t he the mechanic?

Didn’t he repair your car?

Yes, he’s the mechanic who repaired my car.

Aren’t they the thieves?

Didn’t the police catch them?

Yes, they are the thieves who the police caught.

Isn’t that the car?

Didn’t you sell it last year?

Yes, that’s the car which I sold last year.

Aren’t they the children?

Don’t they live next door?

Yes, they’re the children who live next door.

Isn’t that the porter?

Didn’t he carry your suitcase?

Yes, he’s the porter who carried my suitcase.

Aren’t they the windows?

Didn’t the children break them yesterday?

Yes, they are the windows which the children broke yesterday.

Isn’t that the coin?

Didn’t you find it in the garden?

Yes, that’s the coin which I found in the garden.

If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.

Dolly Parton

Lesson 123


  1. during 在…期间 trip n. 旅行

    I met him during the trip to New York.

    We didn’t speak during the meal.

    Why didn’t you speak during the meal?

  2. travel v. 旅行

    I would like to travel there.

    I traveled with my girlfriend last summer.

  3. offer v. 提供 job 工作

    offer sb. a job

    She offered me a job last year.

    offer n.

  4. I guess I’m too old for that sort of nonsense anymore.

  5. grow - grew - grown v. beard 胡子

    I grew a beard during my trip.

    I grow some vegetables every summer.

Out of difficulties grow miracles.

Jean de La Bruyere


  • 如何使用英文 感叹句

Look, Scott. This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia.

Let me see it, Mike.

This is a good photograph.

Who are these people?

They are people I met during the trip.

That’s the ship we travelled on.

What a beautiful ship!


What + a/an + adj. + n.!

Who’s this?

That’s the man I told you about. Remember?

Ah yes. The one who offered you a job in Australia.

That’s right.

Who’s this?


It’s not you, is it?

That’s right.

I grew a beard during the trip.

but I shaved it off when I came home.

Why did you shave it off?

My wife didn’t like it.

I guess real maturity, which most of us never achieve, is when you realize that you’re not the center of the universe.

Ellie Goulding

Lesson 124

Practices & Words

  1. kitten 所有的猫

    Do you like kitten?

    This is the kitten that I told you about.

    When they were washing the kitten, someone knocked at the door.

Isn’t this the test?

Didn’t you speak to me about it?

This is the test I spoke to you about.

Isn’t that the person?

Didn’t you speak to him?

Yes, that’s the person I spoke to.

Isn’t that the girl?

Didn’t you ask me about her?

Yes, she is the girl I asked you about.

Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip.

Gary Allan

Lesson 125

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用 have to

  • have to 与 must

  • 如何表达“某人很讨厌”

have to 必须/不得不


I have to leave now.

I don’t have to leave now.

Do you have to leave now?

Why do you have to leave now?


She has to leave now.

She doesn’t have to leave now.

Does she have to leave now?

Why does she have to leave now?


I have to lost my key, so I will have to stay at home this afternoon.

I won’t have to stay at home this afternoon.

Will you have to stay at home this afternoon?

When will you have to stay at home?


I had to work for my family when I was 16.

I didn’t have to work for my family.

Did you have to work for your family?

Why did you have to work for your family?

have to 与 must

must 说话人的主观看法

have to 客观需要(如章程或他人命令)

This is a terrible party, we really must go home.

This is a lovely place, but I have to go home because of my daughter.

I must stop smoking.

I have to stop somking.

must 必须,mustn’t 禁止

have to 不得不,don’t have to 不必

  1. water v. 浇水

    My father waters the garden everyday.

    My mom watered the flowers last night.

  2. terribly adv. 非常地☹ dry adj. 干旱

  3. nuisance n. 讨厌的人

    He is a nuisance.

  4. mean - meant - meant v.

    It means we can’t help him.

    Does it mean we can’t help him?

    What do you do?

    What do you mean?

    What do you do for a living?

  5. surprise n.

    What do you want?

    Surprise me.


My memories mean a lot to me, and I hold them close to my heart.

Radhika Apte


Can’t you come in and have tea now, Peter?

Not yet.

I must water the garden first.

Do you have to water it now?

I’m afraid I must. Look at it!

It’s terribly dry.

What a nuisance!

Last summer it was very dry, too.

Don’t you remember? I had to water it every day.

Well, I’ll have tea by myself.

by myself 独自

That was quick!

Have you finished already?

Yes. Look out of the window.

It’s raining.

That means you don’t need to water the garden.

you don’t have to water the garden

That was a pleasant surprise.

It means I can have tea, instead.

Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.

Kim Collins

Lesson 126

Practices & Words

  1. immediately adv. 立刻

    We must leave immediately.

    Do you have to leave immediately?

I must leave now. What about you?

I have to leave, too.

Tom must change some money. What about Mary?

She has to change some money, too.

Mary doesn’t have to drive to London tommorrow. What about Tim?

He doesn’t need to drive to London, either.

I must go by air. What about you?

I have to go by air, too.

I don’t have to meet her at the station. What about you?

I don’t need to meet her at the station, either.

Alan must decide immediately. What about you?

I have to decide immediately, too.

Whatever must happen ultimately should happen immediately.

Henry Kissinger

Lesson 127

Grammar & Words

  • 如何使用 must & can’t 表示推测

must 表推测


must be adj./n.

must be doing

You must be Leo.


They must be drinking tea.


can’t 表推测


can’t be adj./n.

can’t be doing

You can’t be Leo.


They can’t be drinking tea.


Why isn’t John in class?

He must be sick.

He can’t be late.

That restaurant must be very good. It is always full of people.

She can’t be a doctor.

She must be a dancer.

Someone is knocking at the door.

It can’t be your father. He won’t be back until six.

It must be postman.

You must be 25.

I am 40.

No, I can’t believe it. You can’t be 40.

She can’t be ill. She must be tired.

must 必须 & 一定

He must drink a lot of milk.

  1. famous adj. actress n. 著名的 女演员

    She is a famous actress.

    The famous actress who you saw last night is my sister.

  2. actor n. 男演员

    The actor who you met yesterday is my brother.

    This is the best actor I’ve ever seen.

    The actor had to get up early this morning.

  3. read - read - read

    Can’t you read the sign? It says “No smoking”.

    I read the actress was here last night.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

Benjamin Franklin


Can you recognize that women, Liz?

I think I can, Kate.

It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.

I thought so.

Who’s that beside her?

That must be Conrad Reeves.

Conrad Reeves, the actor?

It can’t be.

Let me have another look.

I think you’re right!

Isn’t he her third husband?

No. He must be her fourth or fifth.

Doesn’t Karen Marsh old?

She does, doesn’t she?

I read she’s twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.

I’m sure she is.

She was a famout actress when I was still at school.

That was a long time ago, wasn’t it?

Not that long ago!

I’m not more than twenty-nine myself.

I’m more interested in being good than being famous.

Annie Leibovitz

Lesson 128


can’t/must be + adj./n.

Is he a doctor or a detist?

He can’t be a doctor.

He must be a dentist.

Is she Danish or Norwegian?

She can’t be Danish.

She must be Norwegian.

Are they listening to the stereo or watching TV?

They can’t be listening to the stereo.

They must be watching TV.

Is it the 1st or the 2nd today?

It can’t be the 1st.

It must be the 2nd.

Is she 32 or 30?

She can’t be 32.

She must be 30.

Is it cheap or expensive?

It can’t be cheap.

It must be expensive.

Is he the oldest or the youngest in the family?

He can’t be the oldest.

He must be the youngest.

Are they mechanics or engineers?

They can’t be mechanics.

They must be engineers.

Education… has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.

G. M. Trevelyan

Lesson 129

Grammar & Words

  • must & can’t 对过去推测

must have been adj./n.

must have done

must have been doing


这里的 have been 和现在完成时没有关系,只是表示过去的推测


I must have been crazy

He must have been tired.

can’t have been adj./n.

can’t have done

can’t have been doing


She can’t have been ill.

They can’t have been having dinner.

He can’t have been 30.

He must have been 22.

  1. wave v. 挥手

    wave to sb.


    Did the policeman wave to you?

  2. track n. 轨道 race n. 比赛

    My brother is driving a car on the race track.

    They must be cleaning the race track now.

    The race track which they cleaned yesterday is full of bottles now.

  3. mile n. 英里

    The railway station is 4 miles away.

    She is driving at seventy miles an hour.

    He muse be driving at 100 miles an hour.

  4. overtake - overtook - overtaken 超车

    The white car overtook the red one a minute ago.

    Did the white car overtake the red one a minute ago?

  5. speed limit 速度限制

    He can’t have seen the speed limit.

    She saw the speed limit.

    Did she see the speed limit?

  6. dream v. 做梦

    She waved to you, but you didn’t see her. You must have been dreaming.

  7. sign n. 标志

    The sign which they put up yesterday was not there this morning.

    She must be cleaning the sign right now.

    When he was cleaning the sign on the street yesterday, I waved to him.

  8. driving license 驾照

    I have to give police my driving license yesterday.

  9. charge v. 罚款,收费

    The police will charge you this time.

    The police won’t charge you this time.

    Will the police charge you this time?

  10. Darling

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

Sholom Aleichem


Look, Cary!

That policeman’s waving to you.

He wants you to stop.

Where do you think you are?

On a race track? You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.

I can’t have been.

I was doing eighty when I overtook you.

Didn’t you see the speed limit?

I’m afraid I didn’t, officer. I must have been dreaming.

He wasn’t dreaming, officer. I was telling him to drive slowly.

That’s why I didn’t see the sign.

Let me see your driving license, please.

I won’t charge you this time.

But you’d better not do it again!

Thank you.

I’ll certainly be more careful.

I told you to drive slowly, Gary.

You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.

Well, next time you’d better take my advice!

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Walt Disney

Lesson 130


Was he a conductor or a bus driver?

He can’t have been a conductor.

He must have been a bus driver.

Was she Chinese or Japanese?

She can’t have been Chinese.

She must have been Japanese.

Were they listening to the stereo or watching TV?

They can’t have been listening to the stereo.

They must have been watching TV.

Was it the 24th or the 25th yesterday?

It can’t have been the 24th.

It must have been the 25th.

Was your pencil sharp or blunt?

It can’t have been sharp.

It must have been blunt.

Vanity can easily overtake wisdom. It usually overtakes common sense.

Julian Casablancas

Lesson 131

Grammar & Words

  • may & might 表推测


may/might be adj./n.

may/might do

may/might be doing

虽然 might 是 may 的过去式,但是表推测用在现在完全没有问题。

Where is she from?

She may be from China.

She may be from Korea.

She may be from Japan.

She must be from Japan.

She is from Japan.

What is he doing?

He may be eating.

He may be drinking.

He may be cooking.

He must be drinking.

He is reading.


may/might have been adj./n.

may/might have done

may/might have been doing

What was his job? I don’t know.

He may have been a doctor.

He may have been a teacher.

He may have been a bus driver.

What was he doing?

He may have been repairing his car.

  1. Egypt n. 埃及

    They went to Egypt last week.

    The man who you met in Egypt bought himself a new car.

    When he was traveling in Egypt, he met a famous actress.

  2. abroad adv. 国外

    go abroad/study abroad/live abroad

    He has lived abroad for 10 years.

    They went abroad last winter.

  3. worry v.

    worry about sb./sth.

    He worries about his job every day.

    Your mom worried about you last night.

Life is too short to worry about anything. You had better enjoy it because the next day promises nothing.

Eric Davis


Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary?

We may go abroad.

I’m not sure.

My wife wants go to Egypt.

I’d like to there, too.

We can’t make up our minds.

make up our minds 下决心

Will you travel by sea or air?

We may travel by sea.

It’s cheaper, isn’t it?

It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourselves.

Don’t be so sure.

We might not go anywhere.

My wife always worries too much.

Who’s going to look after the dog?

Who’s going to look after the house?

Who’s going to look after the garden?

look after 照顾

We have this problem every year.

in the end, we stay at home and look after everything!

in the end 最终

You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.

Walter Hagen

Lesson 132


Do you think he’s in his room?

I’m not sure. He may be in his room.

Do you think they were reading?

I’m not sure. They may have been reading.

Do you think they were in the garden.

I’m not sure. They may have been in the garden.

Do you think this bread is fresh?

I’m not sure. It may be fresh.

Do you think he was repairing the car?

I’m not sure. He may have been repairing the car.

Do you think they will offer you a job?

I’m not sure. They may offer me a job.

I never worry about the problem. I worry about the solution.

Shaquille O’Neal

Lesson 133

Grammar & Words

  • 直接引语&间接引语时态变化

直接引语:一般现在时 am/is/are/do/does
间接引语:一般过去时 was/were/did

I am tired.

What did she say?

He said that he was tired.

The book is interesting.

What did she say?

She said that the book was interesting.

直接引语:现在进行时 am/is/are doing
间接引语:过去进行时 was/were doing

I am waiting for the taxi.

What did she told you?

She told me that she was waiting for the taxi.

We are having dinner.

What did they told you?

They told me that they were having dinner.

直接引语:现在完成时 have/has done 一般过去时 was/were/did
间接引语:过去完成时 had done

I have finished my homework.

What did she say?

She said that she had finished her homework.

I’ve lost my key.

What did he say?

He said that he had lost his key.

I did my homework well.

What did she say?

She said that she had done her homework well.

直接引语:一般将来时 am/is/are going to do
间接引语:过去将来时 was/were going to do

I’m going to take a bath.

What did she say?

She said that she was going to take a bath.

I’m going to sleep.

What did he tell you?

He told me that he was going to sleep.

  1. repoter n. 记者

    She is the best repoter I’ve ever seen.

    The repoter who was on TV last night.

  2. sensational adj. 轰动的

    This is the most sensational news I’ve ever heard.

    This may be the most sensational news I’ve ever heard.

  3. mink coat n. 貂皮大衣

    This is the mink coat I bought last winter.

When fake news is repeated, it becomes difficult for the public to discern what’s real.

Jimmy Gomez


Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh?

Yes, I have.

Are you going to make another?

No, I’m not. I’m going to retire.

I feel very tired.

I don’t want to make another film for a long time.

Let’s buy a newspaper, Liz.

Listen to this!

'Karen Marsh: Sensational News! By our reporter, Alan Jones.

Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today.

She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.

She told me she had just made a new film.

She said she was not going to make another.

She said she was going to retire.

She told reporters she felt very tired and didn’t want to make another film for a long time.’

I wonder why!

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

Thomas Jefferson

Lesson 134


I’m tired.

What did he say?

He said that he was tired.

I’m reading.

What she tell you?

She told me that she was reading.

I want to leave.

What did he say?

He said that he wanted to leave.

I don’t want to go to the cinema.

What did she tell you?

She told me she didn’t want to go to the cinema.

It’s expensive.

What did he say?

He said that it was expensive.

It isn’t urgent.

What did she tell you?

She told me that it wasn’t urgent.

Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75.

Benjamin Franklin

Lesson 135

Grammar & Words

  • 直接引语变间接引语:情态动词

I can recognize him.

What did he say?

He said that he could recognize him.

I will go to the supermarket.

What did she tell you?

She told me that she would go to the supermarket.

They may arrive tommorrow.

What did he say?

He said that they might arrive tommorrow.

  1. future adj.

    future husband/wife

    This is my future husband.

    While my future wife was having a bath, someone knocked on the door.

  2. get married 结婚

    They are going to get married next week.

    They got married last summer.

    The man who you met last night got married a month ago.

  3. hotel n. 宾馆

    This is the hotel which I told you about.

    This must be a very nice hotel.

    She can’t have been living in that hotel.

    They may be sleeping in that hotel.

  4. latest adj. 最新的

    newest/latest model

    This is the latest/newest model.

    The model which you saw yesterday is the latest one.

  5. introduce v.

    I would like to introduce my boss.

    I had to introduce it to my boss yesterday.

    Did you have to introduce it to your boss yesterday?

If I get married in the future, I want to have a relationship like friends with my other half. It’d be best if we can communicate often.

Lee Min-ho


Are you really going to retire, Miss Marsh?

I may. I can’t make up my mind.

I will have to ask my future hunband. He won’t let me make another film.

Your future hunband, Miss Marsh?

Yes. Let me introduce him to you.

His name is Carlos.

We’re going to get married next week.

Look, Liz!

Here’s another report about Karen Marsh.

Listen: ‘Karen Marsh: The latest. At her London Hotel today Miss Marsh told reporters she might retire. She said she couldn’t make up her mind. She said she would have to ask her future husband. She said her future husband wouldn’t let her make another film. Then she introduced us to Carlos and told us they would get married next week.’

That’s sensational news, isn’t it, Kate?

It certainly is.

He’ll her sixth husband!

If you introduce kids to fishing, they become good citizens.

Rex Hunt

Lesson 136


I’ll leave tomorrow.

What did he say?

He said he would leave tomorrow.

I can understand English.

What did she tell you?

She told me she could understand English.

I may go to the cinema this evening.

What did he say?

He said he might go to the cinema this evening.

I’m not going to come tomorrow.

What did she tell you?

She told me she wasn’t going to come tomorrow.

George won’t travel by air.

What did he say?

He said George wouldn’t travel by air.

Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.

Benjamin Franklin

Lesson 137

Grammar & Words

  • 如何表达 “如果”

if 如果

if …(现), 主语 will do …(将)


if you cook dinner, I will wash the dishes.

I will play football with you if my mom isn’t at home.

If I have enough time tomorrow, I will come to see you.

If I miss the bus, I will take a taxi.

If it rains, we won’t go shopping.

If it rains tomorrow, we will do nothing.

  1. football n.

    This is the football which I found on the floor last night.

    When he was playing football yesterday, his mom called him.

    What were they doing? Who knows? They might have been playing football.

  2. pool n.

    swimming pool

    This is the biggest swimming pool I’ve ever seen.

  3. win won won

    I won the game.

    Did you win the game?

    How did you win the game?

    Who won the game?

  4. world

    Travel round the world

    in the world

  5. poor adj.

    rich poor

    The poor guy who you met last year is very rich now.

  6. depend v.

    depend on

    If I need help, I can always depend on Leo.

    It depends on you.

Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.

Thomas Jefferson


Are you doing the football pools, Brian?

Yes, I’ve nearly finished, Julie. I’m sure we’ll win something this week.

You always say that, but we never win anything!

What will you do if you win a lot of money?

If I win a lot of money, I’ll buy you a mink coat.

I don’t want a mink coat! I want to see the world.

All right. If we win a lot of money we’ll travel round the world and we’ll stay at the best hotels.

Then we’ll return home and buy a big house in the country.

We’ll have a beautiful garden and …

But if we spend all that money we’ll be poor again. What’ll we do then?

If we spend all the money we’ll try and win the football pools again.

It’s a pleasant dream but everything depends on ‘if’!

You will never win if you never begin.

Helen Rowland

Lesson 138


What will you do if you win a lot of money?

Stay at the best hotels.

If I win a lot of money, I’ll stay at the best hotels.

What will he do if he misses the bus?

Take a taxi.

If he misses the bus, he’ll take a taxi.

What will he do if he doesn’t sell his old car?

He won’t buy a new one.

if he doesn’t sell his old car, he won’t buy a new one.

What will you do if they offer you more money?

Work less.

If they offer me more money, I’ll work less.

What will he do if she doesn’t type the letter?

Type it himself.

If she doesn’t type the letter, he’ll type it himself.

Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.

Dale Carnegie

Lesson 139

Grammar & Words

  • 一般疑问句做宾语从句

  • 特殊疑问句做宾语从句

I think that he can win the game.

Is she a nurse?

陈述语序:she is a nurse.

添加连接词:I want to know if she is a nurse.

主句 + if + 宾从(一般疑问句)

Do you want an apple?

I want to know if you want an apple.

Is he ill?

I want to know if he is ill.

Is he going to study English?

I want to know if he is going to study English.

Does she often go shopping?

I want to know if she often goes shopping.

Who is she?

陈述语序:who she is.

I want to know who she is.

What are you taking about?

I want to know what you are taking about.

Where are you from?

I want to know where you are from.

What’s your job?

I want to know what your job is.

  1. extra adj. 额外的

    I need some extra money/time.

  2. overseas adv. 国外

    go overseas

    They went overseas 5 days ago.

    The man who went overseas 5 days ago works for a big band now.

  3. engineering company

    My father has worked for an engineering company for 10 years.

    My grandfather worked for an engineering company for 10 years.

  4. line n. 线

    repair the telephone line

    After he had repaired the telephone line, he went home.

The bottom line is to have fun and enjoy life.



Is that you, John?

Yes, speaking.

Tell Mary we’ll be late for dinner this evening.

I’m afraid I don’t understand.

Hasn’t Mary told you?

She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.

I said I would be at your house at six o’clock, but the boss want me to do some extra work.

I’ll have to stay at the office. I don’t know when I’ll finish. Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.

I don’t know want you’re talking about.

This is John Smith, isn’t it?

Yes, I’m John Smith.

You are John Smith, the engineer, aren’t you?

That’s right.

You work for the Overseas Engineering Company, don’t you?

No, I don’t. I’m John Smith the telephone engineer and I’m repairing your telephone line.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

Jimmy Johnson

Lesson 140


Are you tired?

What does he want to know?

He wants to know if you are tired.

Why is Mary late?

What does he want to know?

He wants to know why Mary is late.

Does Tom get up early?

What does he want to know?

He wants to know if Tom gets up early.

Is Tom doing his homework?

What does he want to know?

He wants to know if Tom is doing his homework.

When does Tom arrive?

What does he want to know?

He wants to know when Tom arrives.

Will the children go to bed early?

What does he want to know?

He wants to know if the children will go to bed early.

When will you have a bath?

What does he want to know?

He wants to know when you will have a bath.

Lesson 141


  1. excited adj.

    They were very excited when they knew that their father would take them to school next week.

    They must have been very excited when they heard the news.

  2. get on 上车

    She got on the bus 5 minutes ago.

    When she was getting on the bus, she saw her friend.

  3. middle-aged

    She is a middle-ages woman.

    The middle-aged woman who got on the bus five minutes ago is my mom.

    When the middle-aged woman was cooking in the kitchen, her husband was watching TV.

  4. opposite prep. 对面

    The middle-aged woman sat opposite the little girl.

    The shcool is opposite the park.

  5. curiously adv. 好奇地

    She looked at the picture curiously.

  6. funny adj. 很滑稽的

    He is funny.

    He is the funny guy who I told you about.

    This is the funniest guy I’ve ever seen.

    The funny guy wants to know if you will be free tonight.

  7. powder n. compact 粉盒

    I lost my powder compact last night.

    After I had lost my powder compact, my boyfriend bought me a new one.

  8. ugly adj 丑陋的

    The ugly man who is buying a new car sold his old cat this morning.

    He is the ugliest man I’ve ever seen.

  9. amused adj. 有趣的

    She was amused.

  10. smile v. kindly adv. 亲切地

She smiles everyday.

The woman who is smiling knows my brother.

She smiled kindly.

  1. embarrassed adj. 尴尬的

When I met my ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend yesterday on the street, I was embarrassed.

The man who was embarrassed is my ex-boyfriend.

When my girlfriend told me that the man who was embarrassed on the street was my girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend, I was very embarrassed.

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss


  • 一般现在时 被动

  • 一般过去时 被动

结构:be(表时态) + done(表被动)

一般现在时:am/is/are + done

My hair is cut every month.

Someone cleans the room everyday.

The room is cleaned by someone everyday.

Someone sells stamps in a post office.

The stamps are sold in a post office.

一般过去时:was/were + done

My hair was cut last month.

Wusong killed the tiger.

The tiger was killed by Wusong.

Someone stole my wallet yesterday.

My wallet was stolen yesterday.

Someone booked the room yesterday.

The room was booked yesterday.


Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children’s party.

I decided to take her by train. Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before. She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw.

Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.

‘Hello, little girl,’ she said.

Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously.

The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.

After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact.

She then began to make up her face.

make up her face.


‘Why are you doing that?’ Sally asked.

‘To make myself beautiful,’ the lady answered.

She put away compact and smiled kindly.

‘But you are still ugly,’ Sally said.

Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!

If you’re changing the world, you’re working on important things. You’re excited to get up in the morning.

Larry Page

Lesson 142


Does anyone ever open this window?

Yes, it is opened regularly.

Does anyone ever take him to school?

Yes, he is taken to school regularly.

Did anyone ever repair that car?

Yes, it was repaired regularly.

Does anyone ever air this room?

Yes, it is aired regularly.

Does anyone ever correct these exercise books?

Yes, they are corrected regularly.

Did anyone ever sharpen this knife?

Yes, it was sharpened regularly.

I’m excited about what the future will bring and I think the best is yet to come.

Alonzo Mourning

Lesson 143


  1. surround v. 包围 wood

    A be surrounded by B

    A 被 B 包围

    My house was surrounded by beautiful woods, but they were cut down last month.

  2. beauty spot 风景名胜

    This is a beauty spot.

    The beauty spot which we went to yesterday was closed this morning.

  3. through prep. (在内部)穿过

    walk through the woods/park

    The man who walked through the woods last night found his dog this morning.

  4. visitor n. 来访者

    The visitors who got on the train last night arrived in Beijing.

  5. tidy adj. 整洁的 untidy adj. 不整洁的

    keep the room tidy

    She keeps her room very tidy.

  6. litter n. 垃圾

    litter basket 垃圾篓

    The litter basket which I bought yesterday was broken already.

    They are washing the litter basket.

    The litter basket is cleaned regurlarly.

  7. place v. 放置

    Litter basket was placed on the street last night.

    The visitor placed the coffee cup on their table.

  8. throw - threw - thrown v.

    That visitor has just thrown his coffee cup on the street/in the woods.

    The man who threw his money on the street was very rich.

  9. rubbish n. 垃圾

    The police wants to know if you threw the rubbish everywhere.

  10. count v. 数数

I counted seven cars.

  1. cover v.

A be covered with B

It snowed last night, and the street was covered with snow this morning.

  1. tyre n. 轮胎

These tyres were bought by my father.

  1. rusty adj. 生锈的

There are rusty tins everywhere in the woods.

She wants to know if you have a rusty tin.

  1. among prep. 在…之中

I found the sign among the rubbish.

I found my father among hundreds of people.

  1. prosecute v. 起诉

Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.

Les Brown


  • 现在完成时 被动

  • 一般将来时 被动

结构:have/has been + done

The door has beed painted.

My key has beed stolen.

I haven’t beed invited.

结构:will be + done

The basket hasn’t been empited yet.

It will be empited tomorrow.

The knives haven’t been sharpened yet.

It will be sharpened tomorrow.

Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul.

Mark Twain


I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. It is a famous beauty spot.

On Sundays, hundreds of visitors come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods.

Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.

Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere.

Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods, What I saw made me very sad.

I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators.

The little baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins.

Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, ‘Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted.’

I surround myself with good people who make me feel great and give me positive energy.

Ali Krieger

Lesson 144


Has anyone opened the window yet?

Yes, it has already been opened.

Has anyone corrected these exercise books yet?

Yes, they have already been corrected.

Will anyone sweep the floor?

Yes, it will be swept.

Will anyone tell them about it?

Yes, they will be told about it soon.

Has anyone invited them yet?

Yes, they have already been invited.

Will anyone find them?

Yes, they will be found soon.

After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say “I want to see the manager.”

William S. Burroughs